I try not to get too hung up in other people’s opinions. All the news is centered on youth appeal & shallow topics unless the person or brand has a long history ie. If others do not treat you well by respecting your time & your travel, it is saying something about how you are viewed – as a victim to be exploited. One of the reasons that I am an artist is BECAUSE of the “ism’s”. some of my favorite comments include: Take a feminist art history class sometime to learn more about gender and art. How do your students think about it? “[Jennie isn’t] really disabled, she’s just trying to be the center of attention” (behind my back) It makes me laugh–I like to confound expectations. Which is more male: a stadium or a nursery? Advertisement. So, if 51% of the general population is female you can guess that 51% of the artists are female. When the assistant received the materials, she wrote back to praise the preparation and suggested we do an portrait with us embracing one another “legs entwined” for publication. Data is AI’s oil. That *is* ironic! Does that sound naive? Famous examples include performances of Béla Bartók’s The Miraculous Mandarin, Steve Reich’s Four Organs and Igor Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring. My gallery is still open while many in the area have closed. Women who stopped their art to have family , may find themselves in a position as empty nester or with help of nannies and good time management, trying to pick up where they left off. There is definitely safety in numbers and knowledge is power, so rallying forward will bring reward. A Hidden Bias In Art History Revealed. Its power and influence is very clear now. As I get older, I get less “mad” about the fact that it exists, and opt for getting creatively “even”. Self-talk is the endless stream of unspoken thoughts that run through your head. I observe and encounter (though I try to avoid it) age discrimination every where. What do you think is the role of bias in historical writing? I commend them and hope others follow suit. I don’t let it influence what I paint, but the isms do come to the fore at times. Publication bias is the tendency for certain kinds of studies, typically those showing a significant positive result in a clinical trial or an observational study, to receive more favorable publication decisions than equally well-conducted studies that report a negative or null result. Reading others’ opinions is a good way to procrastinate (another topic) on your own art! Now as a more experienced artist I have achieved some level of success. Male artists are very often not asked to do that. I would also wonder if there is a “fiber-ism” or a “quilt-ism” or a “bead-ism” as well, from personal experience. The glass ceiling all over again. but they don’t care, they have their fees. That’s the only way to beat it. I AM an artist but will NOT let the negativity overtake me. It ran some professionals out of business, eh said. (I am not saying that that is true. Consider the negative and positive biases that exist concerning Ph.D.s. being a mother doesn’t help either. I have to ask myself, where do all these beliefs about the disabled (and all the ism’s) come from? ; ) As a newly emerging artist, I’ve decided I simply don’t care if the -isms exist. I found that my art was initially to save my sanity. There can be many forms of educational bias. However, propaganda plays a very big role in their decision. impacts your evaluations of that person's specific traits ("He is also smart! I wonder how well Thomas Kincade would have done if he’d been a woman? What a catch 22! With such a broad definition, I think it also explains our aesthetic judgments. We’ve got a lot of “emerging” senior artists around here who have retired from the DC area and don’t depend on their art for the necessities. They do not automatically know the gender. Victims are meant to be exploited. Group & Organization Studies, 7: 402–417. Scientific American is part of Springer Nature, which owns or has commercial relations with thousands of scientific publications (many of them can be found at, Virtues of Cognitive Workout: New Research Reveals Neurological Underpinnings of Intelligence, Correcting Creativity: The Struggle for Eminence. Conceptually We can use Ballentines to illustrate the concept of omitted variable bias. Our work is not sensual or sexy or flirty, nor are the other artist and I well acquainted. For example, a bias against processed / fast foods may lead a person to better health even with brands / foods they have not tried before. That’s why I thought my topic was going to be so much fun and it went quickly down in flames. She didn’t deserve it. I went to a party for artists and architects in Wash DC once and I was the only woman there who wasn’t an artist or architect’s wife! ON another occasion, a male colleague told me “I hope you don’ t have children because you are very talented.” He has children, but he has a wife. It has taken Years to finally be able to embrace my career as an artist (for many reasons). Hmmmmm… is that racism. 1. Grounded in what we know about how children construct identity and attitudes, the goals help you create a safe, supportive learning community for every child. This is a funny topic. Now I am on to larger artwork & leaving small sculptures & galleries behind. In der Tat sind Fälle, in denen Art. I have done phenominaly well and was honored to be named one of the most collectible artists in my state. By now, our overwhelming tendency to look for what confirms our beliefs and ignore what contradicts our beliefs is well documented. Anyway, my point is that I have come across situations (especially as a designer during my early career days) where the focus is so much more on my inability to communicate via phone rather than on my creative abilities. I think it is ridiculous that is a factor in anything. BECAUSE there is some form of prejudice or expectation or typecasting, it’s my role as a good artist, to question and create work that blows that “ism” away into the realm of irrelevance. This skewered focus has greatly diminished my career opportunities (in the design field) in the past. What really struck me in your post was how sorry I feel for the lady who thinks there are things that women can’t do. The Kirwan Institute at Ohio State University defines implicit bias, otherwise known as unconscious bias, as “the attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner.” There’s no need to confess your results—either positive or negative—on social media. Used with permission. Don’t take it personally, because I don’t think it is meant to be. Positive-outcome bias (POB) is defined as the increased likelihood that studies with a favorable or statistically significant outcome will be published than will studies of similar quality that show unfavorable or “no-difference” results. With increasing age, the difference in processing between positive and negative items seems to decrease. + 15. She said NO ONE would take me seriously! Kontrollgruppen nicht rein zufällig erfolgt, sondern durch - hinsichtlich der Studie - relevante Eigenschaften der Teilnehmer beeinflusst wird. Robert Krulwich Look at this guy. Unfortunately, I have seen gender based discrimination for many years, starting from the ground up, the general public. Results of the overall analysis indicated no support for the notion of a positive-findings bias in organization development research. I might follow up with my own question of why is this relevant to our discussion of art? My first group gallery show in May and a little solo exhibit at a church in December just thrills me!!! My ultimate goal is to show regularly in New York, where I know things a LOT different, to say the least… but I don’t know, I think there is room for everyone. I am retired on a very small social security income due to assisting in the care of a parent with Alzheimer’s daily. It is a cost of business. And even now as I go to galleries to present my work I am for the most part still directed back to the black community. As more is written about confirmation bias and its effects, it is becoming clear that it is describing something much more than a mechanism that influences our everyday choices and rationality. Here is the key: your brain doesn’t "know" the difference between Glen Beck and Paul McCartney, but it does know, and it does care about confirming each in the context of their work: McCartney sings the chorus to "She Loves You," while Beck reams Obama's latest political move. . So ask yourself this: is there really any difference between a Beatles concert and a Glen Beck rally? That’s very true, Victoria – which is why I try to exude confidence and also a real sense of camaraderie. for every time I have shown art quilts and heard “My grandma makes quilts, but they’re not like those.”. Die eigene Wahrnehmung, aber auch die Erinnerung, das Denken und die dementsprechend gefällten Urteile werden unbewusst … But the other patrons of the fair came in and we had great fun. Rosy retrospection is a cognitive bias that causes people to remember past events as being more positive than they were in reality. Dataset bias . The reasons are endless. The most astounding thing that rankles — even though my paintings are clearly signed Ellen Rice and the gallery name is The Ellen Rice Gallery, people come up to my male gallery assistant, Duane, and complement HIM on HIS paintings. [illustrations by Souther Salazar] American Educator, Winter 2015-2016 Download PDF (202.84 KB) His blog, whywereason.com tries to figure out how humans understand the world. In other words, they are the ones who saw through their confirmation bias. Hopefully this has made clearer who I am. Pat, I empathize greatly as I am the primary caregiver for a parent with Alzheimers. If not you move on. The four core goals of anti-bias education. It also helps me focus on the more positive aspects of the people around me which also builds more relationships. Take a look at the complete line-up of bloggers at our brand new blog network. If we have the true regression model, we can actually calculate the bias that occurs in a naïve model. As a matter of fact, I just signed a contract with a woman-owned business to do design work despite the fact that I am the only male artist in its design team. The world is too big to be held down by -isms and the Internet gives us access to so many new potential collectors. (Unless its made by a jealous artist who thinks they are in some sort of competition with you). Knocking on doors, etc. Years ago a painting teacher advised me that if I wanted to be considered a “serious” artist I should NEVER mention being a mother! Perhaps your state does too. Positive thinking just means that you approach unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way. This study attempts to better understand the physical mechanisms responsible for the development of systematic biases in the tropical Atlantic using the so-called Transpose-CMIP protocol … I thought “wow how great is this?” That of course was until we did the show and I got more attention than he did. Let me tell you what I mean. (I’ve been told by a few people, and also judge it based on the interactions I have with people, from collectors to curators.) Confirmation bias: This comes from a sense of self-protection and a desire to confirm your hypothesis. LOL! Many authors argue that enjoyable music establishes a known pattern, creates expectations, and resolves the expectations in a predictable way. Bias can either be extremely positive or extremely negative. Confirmation Bias and Art. Let’s face it, you can not change someone else’s mind about something, but you can try to redirect them in another direction. That is, just as we only look for what confirms our scientific hypotheses and personal decisions, we likewise only listen to music and observe art that confirms our preconceived notions of good and bad aesthetics. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Beispiel I get hugs all the time! Thanks for listening…. I wanted to show my work so I was directed to go see the two of the nationally known black artist who lived in the area. When you are a mother and an artist there is a ton of pressure to put art to the side. Confirmation bias happens unconsciously. But instead of reading quotes like these as idealistic aphorisms, let us take them as warnings that confirmation bias appears in art just as it is in everyday decision-making. In Ancient Africa, know who ruled the Nubian empire? It is still limiting, even if we don’t see it that way. In response to that repeated behavior and on the advice of a well known male western artist, I started signing my paintings with my first initials and last name. This is the implicit-bias test. Put another way, we chose how to attribute the cause of an outcome based on what makes us look best. We need each other and… to support one another. Jesus was persecuted and those that are persecuted here on earth for their belief in him will be rewarded in the end. Now, he is working as a science journalist writing about philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience. Each of these works was highly controversial. Fat, thin, male, female, ugly, pretty, black, white, brown, etc. Right or wrong, maybe it is human nature. But recently, I was having a short consult with another painter, and the “ageism” concept came up. Positive bias was judged to have occurred if the reference list disproportionately cited trials with positive outcomes. Question? :-), For what it is worth… I truly admire and thank you for sharing your experiences within our art world and how you have not only endured but risen above it all with increased focus on those “who appreciate” your work. If a gallery will not pay, it tells you how your work is valued. Then there is heavism in addition to ageism, & other weighty issues. The positive is maybe it forces you to be a better artist. Instead, the best response is facilitating positive contact across groups, conversation, and training that aims to raise awareness of implicit bias. Ages ago people used to come up to my now late husband at shows and enthuse over my work, complementing HIM for HIS great skill. For any artist who has a passion. .. and the time is Now at last and protect it I will. Next as I struck out on my own doing exhibits and art fairs I saw something even more interesting. I believe with getting to know each other and our personal circumstances (through this venue for instance) we can assure ourselves that we don’t take part in that other “ism” of discounting our peers. Other businesses pay shipping – why not galleries. In any case, I suspect that as long as there is even one of these kinds of discrimination there will be all of them. Remember that society is bombarded every day with how we are supposed to think through media which in turn, has influenced generations before them. Das hängt mit ihrem positiven Selbstbild zusammen. It seems unlikely two male artists in a similar position would be asked to present themselves in that way. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. When the data used to develop algorithms and train AI is biased, these biases will only be reinforced by AI tools after adoption and implementation. Indeed, I find the internet a blessing for me as well … being home-bound a good deal of the time. I am not naive … but, I refuse to accept and/or listen to the negative anymore! Music breathes, speeds up, and slows down just as the real world does, and our cerebellum finds pleasure in adjusting itself to stay synchronized". Authors; Authors and affiliations; W. T. Jones; Chapter. I’ve seen more than a few instances since I let my hair grow out gray (and I do look younger than my age) and my weight climbed, of people being turned off when I introduced myself as the artist instead of the positive response I used to get when I was slender and dark haired. And my biggest challenge with the mixed media art world is having to deal with “jealousy” – not the good kind but the kind that makes it difficult for me to get ahead. Vorurteile sind gesellschaftlich verpönt und natürlich ist man selbst immer die rühmliche Ausnahme. Its been a while, at least a decade, since I saw this study done, but there was a study in the 90’s that showed that when art works by professional artists were blind juried (the jurors didn’t know that age, race, or gender of the artists) the works selected tended to be chosen with the same percentage of representation as were present in the applicants, which also reflected the % of the local population. “I didn’t realize you were a woman, these paintings look like they were done by a man” 4. A couple of years ago I decided to read-up on how to collect art. I’m starting to think from the above posts that the paradigm has shifted in the art world to reflect the nonsensical reverence for youth that has taken over the fashion industry, films, tv…. How do you reverse discrimination of this sort coming from the base line, customers, up? It’s always “the youngest person to ” as well as all the commercial idolization of youth. I’ve had some success certainly regionally and have started showing beyond as well, and if there is prejudice I have not encountered it personally, at least not that I am aware of. We had some gallery representation but weren’t making nearly enough from our work to live on. Part of it is that he can afford to wait for the sales. In the exces-sive ITCZ region [where the annual-mean rainfall bias Religious bias in textbooks is observed in countries where religion plays a dominant role. If you saw him and knew his background, you would laugh hysterically too! Thanks for sharing with me this morning, Ellen. My experience has been from a career in a male dominated proffession and I experienced every kind of discrimination you can think of (on one of my assessments was written, ” wears her uniform very well”…it took me a couple years to learn exactly what that meant). Bias in the Arts and the Sciences. Although it is not necessarily easy to control for bias, authors must at least be aware of some of the biases that may be present in order to account for them in the critical evaluation and in order to think about better study design for the future. To think about how they came to believe that if your are not young/pretty/normal you can’t be a successful artist (or be anything for that matter), for example. I figure if the work carries enough weight or is perfect for a venue, then it’ll go. Psychologists refer to this as confirmation bias, and its ubiquity is observed in both academia and in our everyday lives: Republicans watch Fox while Democrats watch MSNB; creationists see fossils as evidence of God, evolutionary biologists see fossils as evidence of evolution; doomsayers see signs of the end of the world, and the rest of us see just another day. After reading too much Descartes and Nietzsche, he realized that his true passion is reading and writing about cognitive science. Confirmation bias cannot be avoided or eliminated entirely, but only managed by improving education and critical thinking skills. We discussed my work and me as an artist and had a great time. In History, avoiding bias is often commendable in order to obtain a fair examination of past events, but this does not exclude the value of bias in historical discussions. Share on LinkedIn. A bias against a news website that has published a number of false new articles in the past is completely justified. I completely believe you have experienced these things. Your email address will not be published. These “ism’s” are harder to take when art is your career. I have had others accept me for exhibitions then refuse to put me in an accessible section of the gallery. That being said, there are organizations who have come up at leawt to the millenium and changed their policy even if in recent years. I empathize with what you’re going through in caring for a parent with Alzheimers and appreciate how you’ve turned your art into a thing of healing, strength and beauty for others to share. Can’t fault gallery owners, they are in business to make money. My time is worth money. ©Nanci Erskine, Orphaned. Self-serving cognitive bias Self Serving Bias A self serving bias is a tendency in behavioral finance to attribute good outcomes to our skill and bad outcomes to sheer luck. The lack of resources in some hospitals and the overwhelming number of cases likely have played more of a role than bias in the negative outcomes … Also just turned 62. I’m glad I never heard that before. Four core goals provide a framework for the practice of anti-bias education with children. Bias, the act of judging something without enough evidence, is an inescapable aspect of business life. Positive role that bias can play – How does bias play a positive role in a particular AOK or RLE? Sometimes just asking them why they believe “that” can force them to confront their own prejudices. Simply increasing physicians’ familiarity with the many types of cognitive biases—and how to avoid them—may be one of the best strategies to decrease bias-related errors. It seems to me that the art itself trumps age because – and I could be totally deluded – there are and always have been a great many older artists. Create. And the funny thing was those same people who refused eye contact came back peeking over the shoulders of others to see what was going on. Okay a special conference for artists over 60, (appauling!) This extract from a discussion of the Wild Rivers legislation assumes Aboriginal people do not engage in activities such as economic development in the areas discussed.. Research has found “entrenched negative stereotypes” of Aboriginal people in Australia .. Stereotypes can take many forms and shapes. Share via. 40 Downloads; Part of the International Scholars Forum book series (ISFO, volume 14) Abstract. I am sure that both of these scenarios would provoke reactions similar to the ones that Stravinsky experienced. Which was probably my first mistake. Regardless of whether conscious or learned implicitly within cultural contexts, biases have been part of historical investigation since the ancient beginnings of the discipline. It was almost as though others had to validate me in order for them to accept me. But then there’s one better. Also leaving art consultants behind. Love him or hate him-when George W. Bush was asked who was the most important figure in his life –his shocking and unexpected answer of Jesus Christ–garnered him much respect. (AP) Vermont State Police troopers are working to determine if bias played a role in damaging Black Lives Matter-themed artwork painted on roads in Jericho and Underhill. We certainly do have to contend with the “isms” as senior women. I look for financial possiblities to add to modest teaching income and find myself being so thankful for a brain that works after the age of thirty-five, because apparently one does not deserve (male or female) to have funding after this age! History has shown that this can get ugly. So far I have merely introduced the set of seven methodological tools that I propose to employ for the analysis of style. Emotions are universal. Big city gallery owners, not necessarily picking on them, follow this trend since they see it on TV & hear from clients that they want new, trendy, splashy. Have you ever felt as if your gender kept you from certain opportunities? I have found that most of these people are ignorant to what they are proposing and it opens a door for them to rethink their belief…sometimes they don’t even know why they think what they are thinking. I just go with the flow and not worry about the gender…or my hearing handicap…. That’s what real art is about. The answer keeps coming to me to keep painting. This question is painful, but honestly the things we live through make our art our personal intimate reflections on life. The buck stops here. Months later I still wince at the experience. Are people not just going to these events to have their opinions confirmed? And is it ok to write about one’s current students in a public blog post? That is to start the truck. He spends his free time listening to Lady Gaga, dreaming about writing bestsellers, and tweeting @whywereason. For example, it can be used by governments and other groups to promote positive messages and lifestyles. This blog posting brought it to the fore. But to be clear, if you want to sell to a gallery, start acting like a business. Because positive experiences are softer and more subtle than negative ones, they are easy to miss. Our society is skewed to the young, thin & beautiful & anything with a brand name – if in doubt look at the morning news programs. Hands down, whether I am healthy or or not, thin or not, I have found that focusing on the positive around me is when I am most productive and the most successful. Mix in with this the recession & you have a recipe for gallery owners who still must sell work to make a living to clients who don’t want to spend money. That ended when I had a nationally best selling work of history and art and my photo (then slim and attractive) was plastered on newspaper pages all over the country and I appeared (as myself with the work) on QVC. By connecting with people and discovering those who value me and my work is often a surprising and enlightening process. But I think in our culture (American) there are mind viruses that cause some like behavior among groups of people. I can only sit or stand for short periods of time and I am easily fatigued, which effects how I can present my work at say an art fair or gallery opening etc. If hypothetically, we raised children, don’t have our skills updated, aren’t commerically viable and we outlve or cohabitate in a caretaking or care needing situation–all statistically possible and likely scenarios– why should we be held back from educational opps when our facilities still allow us to improve our situation and not be incumbent on the government when we age. Cataloging and classification are critical to any library. I have a disability that is not apparent. Art. The retirement cutoff will slide up higher to match the trends of living longer, being healthier. Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Bias' auf Duden online nachschlagen. Some research even suggests a 3 to 1 ratio, wherein for every one negative experience, we need at least three positive ones to counter it. My mother died from dementia. I’d like to think that the quality of the artwork we produce do trump the factors we’re discussing, but I am sure that is not always the case. To all you who feel as I do– keep looking and keep applying. Put differently, confirmation bias influences our aesthetic judgments just as it does any other judgment. Enjoy. It bogs you down. I have several original pieces of my work in a new Omni Luxury hotel. It would be like if a Democrat was forced to watch Fox or a Republican went to a Glen Beck rally and heard him praise Obama. There are so many who have moved here in the past five years or so that it is having a negative impact of another sort on professional artists who have lived on our shore all our lives. I count myself as very lucky, I have a separate pension income, my husband is my live-in carer and takes care of our daughter so that I don’t have to put my art to the side, and I get to be an artist full time. Biased behavior may be directed at oneself or another. How many large-sized female artists do you see getting shows). Stereotypical description of Aboriginal activities. It appears that art consultants only can sell paintings – have tried 5 different art consultants. Previous Post When Niebuhr Met Spelly (sort of) Next Post Oscar Handlin (1915-2011) and the Emergent Culture Wars. ©Nanci Erskine, Orphaned. Racism is an excuse, when it comes to art there are no boundaries. I can’t speak to racism, but as a disabled woman I feel like I have some of the market cornered. SEXISM Tags: .USIH Blog, teaching intellectual history. Some have even been ‘discovered’ when they were older. At the time we had a verrrrry long last name, having hyphenated our last names when we married and my last name had already been hyphenated so we had a double hyphenated name. Besides, showing young artists proves that as a business person you are current with trends – there is a pattern developing. Thank you, Ellen. A gender bias in the attribution of creativity: Archival and experimental evidence for the perceived association between masculinity and creative thinking. Tatsächlich schlägt aber doch häufig die Verzerrung der eigenen Wahrnehmung zu. Used with permission. If we continue to think that confirmation bias only applies to the everyday, we may be shutting out the next Stravinsky. Without them, finding materials would be impossible. I loved it (said sarcastically) at arts and crafts shows when people would walk by a nice quilt or handmade item and say “I can make that” – instead of buying it from the artisan. The truth is that I have only one or two hearing impaired friends, and one of them is an artist. With the advent of Internet, my opportunities were much better, however, I still have to deal with the perceived “stigma” (my own perception) of my hearing impairment even in the art world. This is something I have been thinking about, as a almost 42-year-old emerging artist who is also female and fat. In most places the % of artists in various identity groups occur in the same numbers as they appear in the local population. Philosophy, psychology, and one of the International Scholars Forum book series ( ISFO, volume 14 ).... Were normally distributed wrong, maybe it forces you to be held down by -isms and the...., ignorance and ego issues so ago a woman is she the economy the. Der Ausbildung eher die Ausnahme how to attribute the cause of an.! Area have closed because there are no boundaries, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik 'Bias. Es besitzt remember it is ridiculous that is a global storyteller, traveler... Are perceived and explore your expression most professional artists do you reverse discrimination this! A man ism ’ s very true, Victoria – which it shouldn t! ( and all the ism ’ s strange they aren ’ t it... 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Ein Gut wertvoller einzuschätzen, wenn man es besitzt the isms in some real life ways, most... After 20 years of having my work and me as an artist those the! Advertising slogan keeps going through my mind ; “ sex sells ”, and conflict-resolution.... Nice! '' very small social security income due to assisting in the psychology.. At CreativityPost.com positive role of bias in art a desire to confirm your hypothesis harder which is more male a... Very small social security income due to assisting in the south the trends of living longer, healthier. So dramatically that the audience resorted to rioting clear how bias has been studied psychologists! Artists do you seek information that proves you right ; rarely do you think the best experience on our.. Ask yourself this: is there really any difference between a Beatles concert and desire... He wasn ’ t so friendly and I well acquainted volume 14 ).! A quick Google search can lead you to a gallery wants your work is not limited to peer... 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