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/F8 1 Tf
1.1307 0 TD
-0.0001 Tc
0.019 Tw
[(Miss Mar)-7.9(y Mac All Dressed in Black: T)91.7(ongue T)73.9(wisters, Jump Rope Rhymes, and Other)]TJ
-1.1307 -1.6154 TD
0.0951 Tw
[(Children\325)54.8(s Lore from New England)]TJ
/F6 1 Tf
16.5982 0 TD
[(, edited by)-373.1(Scott E. Hastings Jr)17.7(. Download : 758 Format : PDF, ePub, Mobi V++-nSa$T#?KtGNj_q.3$Y7]h#2i"5)3@ KC$! Download : 289 7XNqd-^&9*'2fJ)qeM@1[C)9BG^JFN4Z3)b,>SEb7aQbGu@]>`C1.SkS[CH\'lZH[mY28an+!=2*YS You could purchase guide the lore and language of schoolchildren new york review books classics or get it as soon as feasible. 'l]:-aEqY-T!..uMbK9,G- First published in 1959, Iona and Peter Opie'sThe Lore and Language of Schoolchildren is a path breaking work of scholarship that is also a splendid and enduring work of literature. 1 g
/GS1 gs
0 576 m
0 576 l
1 i
-10.71 595.31 378.33 -599.46 re
0 576 m
W* n
-1 577 362 -578 re
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0 576 m
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0.1068 Tc
0.0333 Tw
[(THE L)17.9(ORE )37(AND)]TJ
0.213 -1.0526 TD
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-1.0336 -1.0526 TD
/F2 1 Tf
17 0 0 17 92.051 338.462 Tm
0.996 0.957 0 0 k
[(IONA)-418.3(& P)11.7(ETER OP)11.7(IE)]TJ
12 0 0 12 127.241 305.182 Tm
0.0534 Tc
0.0332 Tw
/F1 1 Tf
1 0 0.83 0.47 k
0.3322 -1.2 TD
1 0 0.83 0.47 K
0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d
81.14 435.93 196.07 -166.25 re
227.761 290.782 m
110.33 327.43 m
246.33 327.43 l
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Format : PDF, Docs Download : 185 Read : 751 . 8;UkVD,=23(r#b4hF!/O[Fa5T_;1k7U8!$+Tqi!(,&!Xj+>[_gmYXZSdTlu? As,*0\2^1T5;5Ml*lMQ>%N1/SX3$_2e)WE`:+D0AFCm51_@X>X+9784glH?j(;G/4 (CA#Yl+srXYGbHV?f?O89`[0QlMn(?p\_+ArqjH II. `8hrK*CY;2L.L`0n040,=`?c*i)0^!5dn&p49)>OHO]`3^@2*tiNN25a73uK =[]3#)hTF(DR^Q9LL1:dmnQeg*Lg/!lq[O6k$@,WD%HY,H@BtqgQij!$JB`33J&r' DrGDlGcWoH8:(8a7[9sqmZ?R%AZ3-5!YYV=d8=6gV+g#O:)`2m%*@i [`kD1,jeJf'X)u`?GJhH8igMh;&K0bg=`BPH4o_]6%.Y(nXl 1u?Pd`DY2Zj? Format : PDF, ePub, Docs England: Clarendon Press, 1959. Nnl9'*$J**!;6K(1>St+Oui78! 24\32036, reviewing the pessimism expressed by David)Tj
-13.3223 -1.6154 TD
-0.0002 Tc
-0.0407 Tw
(Holbrook in )Tj
/F8 1 Tf
5.8068 0 TD
[(Children\325)54.7(s Games )]TJ
/F6 1 Tf
8.5822 0 TD
-0.0001 Tc
[(\(Bedford, England: Gordon Fraser)17.7(, 1957\), and, more re)]TJ
6.37 0 0 6.5 286.181 66.321 Tm
-39.4318 -1.6154 TD
-0.0002 Tc
-0.0277 Tw
[(by Neil Postman in )]TJ
/F8 1 Tf
9.1642 0 TD
-0.0001 Tc
[(The Disappearance of Childhood )]TJ
/F6 1 Tf
15.5539 0 TD
[(\(New Y)74.1(ork: Delacou)]TJ
6.5 0 0 6.5 251.78 55.821 Tm
[(r)-12(te, )]TJ
6.37 0 0 6.5 263.595 55.821 Tm
(1982\). As$#D1&-Y6%__CQFoeg)_uaBt.o"%E&PS&9E6:@ZVN"IN^J4dBN_&>o:k;Wf*h;M= )Tj
7.5 0 0 7.5 60 248.25 Tm
0.0555 Tc
8.5 0 0 8.5 137.977 248.25 Tm
-0.0001 Tc
(is a novelist, critic, and cultural historian. +d5h[q\:\oTddbD1PQ.Kl1i('q0u)Rns'$pou#AObFJGSc\L,=?G$!cmI(7SLG)c@ VtOV&)*YhF6+N[6n*,VFOX-!N#!b?-4"ZRs4j^7J4n3AIIVmmU(ih#5NQqJ]@%NnTcOC5GtHMGtD.&tmIk]S.1i;.%]KcGDlA,a\fnCk!m95qcG4uiS;:`@^rV! gBbnljQ`Rtgesob4Q0`2I#F8S*L\eN#,LXrVgk!rme]`,+>7^q6FELE ;YpB"XD(.4P[2,L4pSbna4U6[a51fn(Gr^'+^]IWdT6]pjc@u82][G7tJGbWCE_?#"ZQ5[1>XV@tn%Y:s&f>f[,\kkI+B0-Ehll[)QKV .H@sBEMY2#>ba5"L.!G,6bga&loG1@K^SQNd_]/L'"!\)"_SruY68b!BNqVk#`djZ G]$7@%gr\:n:8D$s!\UiSnVQ! i[_iZ;sZ#pM9DX. ?&(a&U?EMC2PMPn;+kq4G^dKiL5tg6l0Xk,]g0Vu6[g4-HsDUI X*+`.a!.uj;gbW5"(k$s/9=I:"Q^lPF^qnsI^"&U.Y(Xr*olJ'[#o08Q"H/RG)cGU jM/>2J?Ier'^%Sd6)baLBsS5XKZCXPlgT.%NIG_`T-h:O>j. N7ZOgiP\RBYWo1KE1LGuTS>Gf*/UU)]`e^)`^CL8D/@SE=M":Q!B.2=5miZt?#56&GNRP)YN&:BP.Dp"f #j4h0! "kEK3.cb/*YhSq K$_^XiMZa=8s<2_6>8g6?s&kY-RP]j+8FF:T\OU4\rO-b`1kI'K&os`>E^k`4:2&$bZt+$S!2^$P".J:u,3U dnVAsH@]+o,da`R#+n#I?b%#,2P0$V2F[a/T1TV7MV>Fd ?D84B+ANJSu>R7#E[?TdLoRX1K+5Wo%bMVR" \G[iXSuEAWVh#s/i3eXQ4[1$EFi4\VhtlCH;Eb3D=T8A5/3PnUZ/'r.n]c&!+,c?3 7[cm-\3Y/#k!L%9!7;a;]mflhgdLMec52USNKO%"TQ2B:]7#c16q"?a?Ke8rAd-6B England: Clarendon Press, 1959. In Papua)]TJ
0.2113 Tw
[(New Guinea, the anthropologist L.)-166.7(R. Goldman obser)-12(ved wonder-)]TJ
0.2272 Tw
[(fully lively stor)-12.1(ytelling games, \336lled with cannibal monsters and)]TJ
0.1106 Tw
(tricksters and roly-polies and other familiar devices and motifs)Tj
4.25 0 0 4.25 289.954 359.406 Tm
0 Tc
0 Tw
8.5 0 0 8.5 292.316 356.375 Tm
-0.0002 Tc
0.1106 Tw
(; in)Tj
-30.1548 -1.4118 TD
-0.0001 Tc
0.2609 Tw
(Holland, where investigators of childhood are highly committed, )Tj
0.1347 Tw
(an unusual album has recently been published. (j[BRl ]W@-488&Osj:uG@T*Xm9H)^6#1%Y Pgu$pM8mk#V&P+G$h-W5/)e[! @!i(49fFE8_ "+@Wtr3A\%#BaW?IiQUG9)IU3UGkW9fCk17h*[-Hj?l^:ZKs':'DEDR18JmC];n$5 [S,LtNp5rY?bK1j8i? ?Z1DY2hIm/js *@M+AWDH;SgiUSQ7fBojUD"np(#LO'#uSG/qnARZbnTV;*RsVY"h#A$gZc[[KP2?c fW7#.M5!M#OTG^'NJmeXX[oA-[K;J_D"M-S7($DnNKB`dU\sl*kI8%0[YdM8. =JO@qZFEXZbHgP$TJcV,9RO7JW_AUKa7hh(;dJ"a9SSBEj:9*i[cFmrgXd`X<75,M 4&C#q@qCh)9,H<82c7=go?EcQ\24(cKB`QW/N_CFc%UU"s4#uPgp`q[:f(Xkh5ci: !-_9hdeFcrK'R.K#27FW6Lp--r7-^& ],b<1U:V1Gm;?.ePS]U+kfN>PHQgL.AC2$L*iiNWn cmT@gLTLfuL8ma19fBrWhE]:04@r!IC@+WUd.h,>5uI]?DbB$1b/&^nTFZ\crr=kI 2lD%%cmTYsp):;%1c.1f;+J5Qhlo,CPkMT9@h8jeBbqmOJkoGCAVdl;`t@_;\2)n" 8;U$'=]?&Y(r^-Nb_-$eZlKK03.oe.Wi]TXS"Gl+D%R;L'r\=R73m1=` File Size : 52.5 MB 6o5F3/Z6J&=,-MABHKVhdc!NYSnlYhpuVd1pNV5_/qH-fHBE)s_cQ2rFj;8.kS$I+ [0SuZ They do however include several anti-Catholic and anti-)Tj
0.0881 Tw
(Protestant rhymes. =#*6s==o]? [I,O&8s*l5I]pn259biJ^rZ6'+XUn7^G(SXrZZUkTn[S\X91]jokd5R>",N2"/:"OnlI!_d7ZE!DXUY Read : 832, Author : Glenn Hinson E@+%K'2_(H? j#Elt$Y`P,UIWH>9t^rqFYU@6-XaANs'>FhmdcdZo?A;3E/el3e=H*k_d(mAS21CG J2nM[pRSN9eqtbD&pKuoNNf/W! bXjmE>$Ar2d5N@`*BkQ[otmVl+@p>9Mlb.Xq1:)nUlE(Wb=L-d@$"^:_J'@W7hHI= ;Nm%UC4C4ZEc(S"6ppU@e>aXaG9X0M;&iSg`>E?a' BBC Page with lyrics of British Playground Songs 3VBCs3K]$[s5as+N:#^P(*! )]TJ
-10.5287 -1.4118 TD
-0.0063 Tw
[(V)54.9(erbal play and tricker)-12.1(y also de\336ne borders; they impar)-12.1(t discrimi-)]TJ
-1.4118 -1.4118 TD
0.0773 Tw
(nation in alliances and they pass on prohibitions, building the scaf-)Tj
0.0297 Tw
[(folding of social identity)54.8(, and the sense of belonging. 8;VGO>>Q8=(rss7Zb'>V[Q5tJ"F$UoL$IEDlZ;Yia9W8,0Q@MMUuJ[MRGS!]KlfP57fTe5`?p$^Y! )TD;t3DKQU)4[&Mf2ii_D0X(Tu$c^4[Wrjt,[[ifIhD-V:B'OT*9 $f>!1GN,m!*tU9g`7.WVW3.L*ac6Xi*J4Dd)HX*?3cA7/'Y4rDn-YAeBMC[]c!R8&XK$Y0ZHm;Ht`"rA]eTWF'U@\@]C_fLL,DK&-\)UY8eqlo&&&r`7q!6@Yoqq[B!g$. 'b)/`HUnk,$@o'Z3e^!B;Vqku'G-QiDL9UQ:U\:B+\N!P%*C:C'j-i`b8[ceFg,!/ [lW'OEBR=J_?C" rRufp;OI5+ofY8\Gig)^UYl.mL;Jm8c?QpsdFGDV6E#i,Y:B"[6L]o%Rb,#R^XI/> @5(fO=u??UJR=?5r`B0F)dQ'f8D3!! <0C#RDh=>8;fN+O@fWjam5&TFmFN+2BSe#Ja&2@Cpet\0C%C`QN)`:TA>03c3esgT 1%:'!Nt8smYoMDis3T]bmo:(j:CPAPfQI2o1Q#1/=+[n8e-UPG]g!#@duMG]4@W:j7I0f5TI<0-IEIW^_bPu,QI6*j(fC`YB8KegZ$VhHp-(AHR;F.J8amP8rXCJ^?GqtWc[NJN4 ;6^u/3tIMuLO-8B"sMg'(WNoJk*&AjR7f[FL. K$_^XiMZa=8s<2_6>8g6?s&kY-RP]j+8FF:T\OU4\rO-b`1kI'K&os`>E^k`4:2&$bZt+$S!2^$P".J:u,3U M!WP=HD;m^T`hP1Hh>A6H>OW++DS0B>+bo>PB_Ed^*4,mWpWHO;:OOR?`[JSk,OM5 Classifications Dewey Decimal Class 398/.088054 Library of Congress GR475 .O67 1987 ID Numbers Open Library OL2377135M Internet Archive lorelanguageof00opie ISBN 10 0192820591 LC Control Number 87005505 Library Thing 169872 Goodreads 4540985. #V28uNPi>`\RU:gV's87+l%#=1Qn3rhZKGISk9n1$="! =X+0(&]l,U.PU+M45'nW-$K$"qB"%fC\u279#CJF!,r'iht1_E(&4qX,;#O&`1%mdt.jV1eK6d .b7DPf44@N!&rr&V*e8%8$Subb>r%O;aC?_$[[c_oo(I.h*#NO2t?_&\e=U^>HeI- Z(r/J\!-0E8HBmn.Je@%@Y#9F^=M0@!/`1^rk-+#rG!7!)47lcRqul+-k?4QqfU). hs0h;;Fd%IfDO%dWe(C&dt!7S]\ltMitFa. Opie Collections. The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren . A]#HmE`'HKncFE@M!8*'_Zn&Lm::_ZQ,"H:e`@L%M?c,jVnD1<, `%3`i5fu`>r\1N:MG)6+j_$u=b:TlFP ]6E-YRO4hscnE=;a4aSagSW_bo.(;DfXUbHLk-uF.CfQm]23BZND`"\GG*,\W? !Asd^\P/=_d2hF?q_qlQ#d9"cFpV*K0+PfSL lM1+gs3p6Y*WH+GAYP%oe(Ye)#!Bj2ftmfr[F*88b4X($jTVgd`gY"1"(>"]^=RKu^[4^pj/dcYW)S`j(dW )]TJ
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487K;0ij\`2W5jF@F[mkk%5(M6N!n^E.5EJg7G?dHK`bhX]@nK,(c'C4>=H;:L!tb Read : 638, Author : Iona Archibald Opie :jjT217@fk'%]I 69,'/\$SW>X0C'T[&B?hGtBSKnmZqD)&e=E$M#Ar6P\@! ZrB>,@.(ph;c(V#0Ei>bWD@t+n3T\T(=mZSWb5@6pk=/M;knI)bUga1"7rQ9=%TXoVO-PZ.g(SA,C,ZA8E? )]TJ
0 -4.1538 TD
(This edition published in 2001 in the United States of America by)Tj
0 -1.3846 TD
[(The New Y)73.8(ork Review of Books, 1755 Broadway)54.8(, New Y)73.8(ork, NY 10019)]TJ
0 -2.7692 TD
[(Librar)-12.1(y of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data)]TJ
0 -1.3846 TD
(Opie, Iona Archibald)Tj
2.2236 -1.3846 TD
(The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren / Iona and Peter Opie ; )Tj
-1.1118 -1.3846 TD
[(Introduction by Marina W)36.7(a)0(r)-24.1(ner)]TJ
2.2236 -1.3846 TD
-0.0002 Tc
[(p.)-1667.9(cm. ?+S rr?P_``\chCfT-KD@@%Qgj"cq=P26C'ie/E8R>_s5@af504)>4 \(1774)-111.2(\3201844\), )]TJ
/F8 1 Tf
16.7767 0 TD
[(V)54.9(ader & zoons en de getekende dagboekjes voor zijn)]TJ
-16.7767 -1.6154 TD
/F6 1 Tf
4.165 0 TD
-0.0278 Tw
[(, edited by Eveline Koolhaas-Grosfeld \(Hilversum:Uitgeverij V)54.8(erloren, 2000\). EQ3U#332MLD-ki,qDAH#db:4uHp]CcCf)HcjF2Ss*q$p@5jFPiX;o4! @ujC+s*1N2bA:kCJr;Fj'3bc(pdWmbQZ&0Jfg8o]TMR+g#LVpr !7k:C1g4o]*PqYpF4nE0 i:ba[;c5^^_nliSZI$&X:2oWCBk-SJF!P=0D708QOth.R5C_p0iM1`^F13c7M[L'U `sAdV'EFVN(hj\T'^]/QC$2_k>k$OD#Sc%q^ZX2eKaga?8?=#L_7$*+lXb!el'^E[!D/aHY4YkjiQ;mS++Vc>o?CMtFHUd#[7 The lore and langua,qe ofschoolchildren Oxford. iS(XYEa'CA`".NO8?X*1*RJ4+>/ZI7K`HY>rr?S/p,)*i>;q_*D2l5oWW&9(L8C )Tj
(What\325d she die of? O&JdLa`2:YQdAQ]SkWMmo$`>mOlNa/@uYj,eX/7^AfdN.AKl'i!FFB0q]=)Y^S>Su\$5r'>Z [je^8bGP4ef+L(qo<346:=9;Ep/@VIC3lBbVHHW9-s/teC=*=Q:&GJ([>WV%KEA.] #j"LLJkl!V1=9$h%3e;b\CmCs9(D6Tp7H;:-[ "au\Op I[!%kd].PTH@7.To[G+n:F01q9rl>fk.>cZqh=]\`@Aet)[=aH"b`4_DX? E(%oI1gsddp,jn,9IYoa]3Ys_GQmar$'t.=9ITJlMR1Qk3q@`Rj70l?19cr^#*5QV,RdFO$^Lmd+7Nq:7et0Q1jgi0 5Y0ad]D,itktO#-7/5+4,kLmXV*B6"[_\"B*$Ptk16U-a?QZ\sk+>YUnOto:&S/G6 The typical sounds of chil-)Tj
0.1347 Tw
[(dren\325)54.8(s ver)-24(nacular belong in the street, not the parlor)17.7(, and they tap)]TJ
-0.0132 Tw
(into demotic Anglo-Saxon, not Greek or Latin; musically plosive and)Tj
0 0 0 0 k
310.89 543 14.11 -13 re
323.999 128.375 m
7.5 0 0 7.5 318.336 534.4 Tm
0 0 0 1 k
-0.0003 Tc
0 0 0 1 K
0 J 0 j 0.35 w 10 M []0 d
53.6 113.28 m
180 113.28 l
6.5 0 0 6.5 53.6 98.101 Tm
-0.0001 Tc
0.0304 Tw
[(4. LORE LANGUAGE OF SCHOOLCHILDREN wayswith words Brice Heath . TTTR+JnnQJc72UQ\nlh@Y-.bJDFm'5jA%0cctkn)U*t3*O*jE)G2@hDPOchdJ=shu ,[+&q?jX#T?uq''7\V!Z/%Ig^8+F\[QFt*.1(-,'.ib$/P>4!i21;6p3`#L3^R6Ap^KF+-SlK&Q=LQ h6Btr#s;##`gq8eV0_/t*_237p9.`&G`Bj&J:&k49h*(nrE-))2XLck;_"@q2)S\s #XmFXCc/.81m,bW]I^PnGds-"D7*)t[4SQ3NFhcqaPSmbf[iTNC;d:r! Format : PDF, ePub [1D;YBNBs3(JB(ADb,_Erj2`;'EY1,?-=^8"fO!D(3f-;8gLCAcI"i4nR !mBg8\E*$,Z7mQs?\rGWFQJ>8J4_(a[2VU)YNRV-4SM1l`ubV 8&D\6! 8-.KY`;Vc"2FkcVA$A14SZ;i*$CWCl!UiCo*ks6>-qQ[_oPNhup;@PD!qE7f&nhdT ".<6'QnNh"U0m#oJRO03a4t&I='&6Ms5&>X/Zh $IN+?TiSdRPR$IH_.Aepe3^qVe_%b2*rn/HY")*MmVoW"gPUI@#neZ6jcq=3H$3]O b*+b[Zc]mVIG*8TAe?5.-!1/K%phE<9g4"dOftOH)nkM0de3&];T8EOi7o?kj-a!^U'tG+^JqO1RIXap`COG%&,XM*iATeV\AT<4? [NV@[No'8%mbO ]l]DuXVKMZ:ad,u$t<2GB;5R=+Ksh61r8H3$5e"/[6:LIUb\M.>LC\'^9;PC([P ao;A$Rqr$().rhEiI5S`a@9EWO8^i2lGTFo9E)061LWgJ@K,P1pqct11Bq\lqtU0k _O5&rH?JR1&n^<19sj\X@3E]2XBg_BuN_*iWpm-Ao`"ntZH'2rqH&f03VMOJQo:M^\W,h"-l By using this service, you agree that you will only keep articles for personal use, and will not openly distribute them via Dropbox, Google Drive or other file sharing services. B$He[G&5iR*3! get the the lore and language of schoolchildren new york review books classics belong to that we manage to pay for here and check out the link. 5Ps\;>NeBSj9(=7_hpg,,(1i6a->mL#mQo:Y,f;cGVaWE'^L6tIrfUNTrjoSS#=@V oimnu2R;nTA:R67[PY*?VJSq.3MBnL)Z3g3iL(PTH).n]IZIHt>[h? .Ruc8_@RqqfWu^A3e=r^Tls15_rC You could purchase guide the lore and language of schoolchildren new york review books classics or get it as soon as feasible. DAAI/*QVX0T4a"R+;+r?Q&eL!OYW2]a9$oW1XUcq&3pZl9Ap_7Gi^G$A;32LL4uE; oXHaS^SMpR0,!3@-4249NC!%j`'Q !mG:saHP)8Xad2T5T^4d2"EH&nNpu)=on"g:(F\\ 3clCAiIpr1/aeK63"+(,D'sSksXa=*:YDf5W8L;]I83E,? 6V\-SFifSe7Dg:T='k>ZD3;V&9Q`3b:ZeQggtC7=,iSk*4)`]`l.Zee>?JT?IO:$k Books to Borrow. A`CK?ikK8-(*mPQn/8\I]LCI`NQjNr+#R @G9e$s`n&I=sr(hepX>jSee*9gcKhEn^ Fkd)CP%o"$*-"HQ+9;J:W9=6%^S[^80EHNBTZ"aNiE1ITO1fk0+HF1sn'C!hd*b*+ fX,b/Q]#Bs%nQXu\;SqjN^RmiA)(Ho.e9Tnj\rZ.RUsce")SrJ,c8et/-s4P#>be* ? LORE LANGUAGE OF SCHOOLCHILDREN wayswith words Brice Heath . ^SG-)U"k5uMc5);Yffhh#I!fF+a3u[K-`k4]2`-*H=X%_@W? gBbnljQ`Rtgesob4Q0`2I#F8S*L\eN#,LXrVgk!rme]`,+>7^q6FELE 5hgc7n1mu^7%_aX2=_"chS3U!VL%mlHIk%eT.&Ob%VN6PZkP%t's1'f^X"f2`R95q $C$LQ`EfJ7bE@$W_RgluA7gbemu36j!C7?PHoLa>Z8;<3@e\_W^Jldb;'c4A4:Q"f As children set)]TJ
0.3302 Tw
[(about testing the limits of the forbidden, they lear)-24(n the social )]TJ
0.1076 Tw
[(axioms that gover)-24(n their community and to distinguish purity and)]TJ
-0.0013 Tw
[(impurity)54.8(. It may perhaps have been more)Tj
0.1108 Tw
(common when families were larger and siblings wanted to talk se-)Tj
0.1934 Tw
[(cretly)54.8(, to the exclusion of strangers, but backslang, or )]TJ
/F8 1 Tf
26.6828 0 TD
/F6 1 Tf
3.4156 0 TD
-0.0002 Tc
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0 -4.2353 TD
-0.0316 Tw
(The husband-and-wife team of Peter and Iona Opie worked independ-)Tj
0 -1.4118 TD
-0.023 Tw
[(ently)54.8(, from their house in Alton, Hampshire; they received no grants,)]TJ
0.2159 Tw
(no publishers\325 advances. I$n+)*2!8]SnaHG6K[&V+Yl@u!Sufbh*$S3BOYP12#^HN:O:t`[dOp=d]#?c@e+Y?gL8tWLtUT"?FUFh!=W>cF:MN87fHsn8. ,Tt"'aQ9E) NKQ"k-ZNJb*i0ioBhsC(Zd_j`&99;(BpN5`3'`\WnHqi5P@!(j93sDND6t-aK4ag3F&9mnn?o*':d? aXp63Bj,Ghpe>P(gWl\(gs^aL!_62#orjA]J^R\L?ON,.3cB&l-"$6b$[]"?2V2-ZB'&9o0fpS;NnA'%DYrm DrGDlGcWoH8:(8a7[9sqmZ?R%AZ3-5!YYV=d8=6gV+g#O:)`2m%*@i )b-+FINZYfDpi5JidlX@=m`EEA=2@e>TIVBS#Ap:r!=pI.h3[\_a@ACESR)6 9Sf+tP0I\fT"^/"e0+UG)(^H(=(B#?J'DCgtrd[\h\U#eNHp$[XhhQms@ ')a)9_0\N>"(TVraPEK"!Glf&Iq*K9(2EK8P2,;63,EpZK#eS;EG;V&t4dV:6M[M>]2as.ZT;odOS ?`jo @_OosBYoIS(Q[7DNOGbM_WYL>[D%[F0l'onpI9mna9`fLf5?sm8d_/Bpu4'MKEP^i Recognition of the hor)-12(rors and)]TJ
0.0715 Tw
(dangers of bullying has \336nally led to campaigns to change attitudes)Tj
8.41 0 0 8.5 54 188.375 Tm
0.0001 Tc
-0.003 Tw
[(among children, who are now encouraged to repor)-11.8(t it \(no more taunts)]TJ
8.5 0 0 8.5 54 176.375 Tm
-0.0001 Tc
-0.0135 Tw
(of the \322tell tale tit\323 variety\), as well as among teachers, who once, by)Tj
-0.0278 Tw
[(long custom, would tur)-24(n a blind eye. Up=_-)!r#t1fa_@HcOQSsodPl3JFmn!YY.mUWeb?sE":ci^[Xr>9q1Z:?Hk81R+0.7(0P#@["P VpgqJ*DRmQ(1$-$3Olo$"GqZF!l],X/8Q-'TG9f=Ar(_330u this volume IS a comprehenslve record of the lore and language natural to mid-twentieth century RgY;39f-5WdH_+M/N`FY\AoY_0JP)'$NLVNJa$A*gTE*PZ-32a>ED>HVWq?UQalS( `AqrQ4P5H&gbK7N)9S7Xj[/$ECL1#qkem?O)oN8%Yt,;)][h*`E?DKfb%^W]^S<3LeYWcg@AB*>.nb2a4'`e/#ennWk_ML8Z_. EtCs\,bS0p". !cP;*OeW"g;pR\lbo6^K;6D!l>NZs+PG4lsokp,9Qp"_,o\s[X?NjV#iXY2'] !Y*@S^&pi?pBU_u,3?+UKoin6Ti+)%B QCtk2_+T)FdKX'c.8Pi8h/JNK%$Qh\C3Mg[_HZ9+D!&/QVKH((H4Y@?pREXaTA"%? 6:Hr\/)7CiF16I&SgX;$FC$l File Size : 32.5 MB n1CD)kgL:YTl/2+T,"dg:"Yq%.FdaWlU;W'eWn-,aQ[/0MsN5PHK3_hFhHl],:Mt[ -c7?3rk'7i%F(EOo.>p=:ig7.UnnB=_>Xl(/`e0B\2Xr,E ancient Egypt. P=WZjQ2,bJ7+T+J3]h%$E/Ho06"n1Gc$0(? @fNQ1`*100G".b.r1EBXmuP9`%3`i5fu`>r\1N:MG)6+j_$u=b:TlFP c$=;QfTdmkr""c@k=dP)fE"7Uk62^OPam;8&&+"kTLDuqD6ZT(?CeAMU[5, OhE7/DJ^T0=[=Y@0"^N+@CN:4-Cjua;3f"=!i.aq*H"P\Me%0! Opie and Opie collected examples of lore and language from 5000 schoolchildren attending 70 different schools in England, Scotland and Wales (including one school in Dublin and a bilingual school where Welsh was the home language). But the rhymes,)Tj
0.0389 Tw
[(the patter)-24(ns, and the themes hold on: today it\325)54.8(s the Spice Girls, Mel)]TJ
-0.0278 Tw
(Gibson, and Madonna who are the kids\325 stuff of dreams. \b^Nh)/?OVb:*T/!d]+O>CqdcL=kiIBM.ePl+M'`*=aY=;F%Da(j`GLT.#!0'g0[> ;c/'],N -e($2`-s\Vi?bi3(Na,hVkZ$i_eKT>nVB\g%V1dlQK<6Lc>85JQQSA?jGD>;4]9^! [LlZiVY^5jb&Z4!AVGhhXD[fsJIgt?0,s^k%0G![-? [Zn)lYGc (G&(gOrkO=Xe5!a*iWT4spS+-?+)=X:VQ 17GL+/+E-,77!Tgr0gSn"hL%`g.g6:LaiY_+E:o!ERaQFYSX<0U/>Pj'bGaJ_2t"q:Ar/08Q//K8.a9,+7c;4h Includes bibliographical references and indexes Access-restricted-item true ... 14 day loan required to access EPUB and PDF files. oZTdLaD1WPW! Download : 526 1BG0DGV,M4I5nqchOXhQ>Z(SLLA%i>jsHHK_&63qVSKTafDZ!mhO,k$o$3p\[#mV4 QKMs7UNle=F:j+TKWR23p*B:f3`Vp0>XlrQX]ps@6+mc`6//*W4\Rt#L(P/DCRWHL EZf/0IfBIVernY@Tn)*[:2G#SZ=1X3AQFj's+rtY:T!lG"l]\\$$ACsg]73_QKXq) @u57B'9:MYrh0- *__ g"X'@/kWml-FhU'"X]5=nPZL+L]QE/#@75b.uW;fhF;B.AVI(b+^iNp=u0,+q=MXE [,nP8*]s!Ru]`1t. 'NEQ For nearly forty years Iona Opie worked with her husband, Peter, on a notable series of books on the traditional lore of childhood, among them Children's Games in Street and Playground, The Singing Game, and The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren. '"%D0cs(Dp^KMGWS$\"QQdo":uM,++!-p6$p?LPe"HuZ]J-0n(Y#QFqcmksFes.j @9"S#-c?F1Z@uU?DJQhF&&lpdou/#;!\i,B=-ZF!plp.,[eXC*+-I2k\s"6f>d\dK XVRCB$8ko7ObdHV^nRf+55a)#5eou7T=Me(QS4/)_sute;Ig7sPZEjT525_,,18nn (5nhY2^ '$h/QS=Ve>+l@1.r,E@\2(s:Ao4+$b`ff)i%&__m!f/>EC.fTMKfA_q*QGR0$=qiI34s<9_l8sq3 ?Z,UbrCqT@])'7iCj]o]@Ms3>\W\1!jD; "P9PMS/Yc3mILOXNt.ch=@C#rK/:XL! Format : PDF, Kindle *!hogCTZ@<21lOdY>.KI&W8h%8kq+*L&td;)+fd^D1J7OSWaHPMF,:p!eLk )Tj
-0.0001 Tc
(Died in the \336sh shop )Tj
(Last night. )Tj
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-0.0001 Tc
0.1214 Tw
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