HOW TO SAY THANK YOU IN 100 LANGUAGES. After all, think about how difficult it was the last time you tried to find something special for your mother’s birthday! For example, if you visit Japan, you should be aware that in their culture, there are different levels of gifts and manners to keep in mind when receiving one. 6. thank you in Japanese – Arigato (ah-ree-gah’-toh) or written ありがとう. Flowers can be an appropriate gift depending on the individual and the reason behind it. ARMENIAN – Շնորհակալություն / chnorakaloutioun. It is common to send thank you messages for gifts that you receive no matter what the occasion or event may be. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, Get regular language learning tips, resources and updates, starting with the "Complete Guide to Foreign Language Immersion" e-book, Sign up for our weekly blog newsletter for a chance to win a free FluentU Plus subscription (value $240). Obrigado is used when spoken by a man, while women use obrigada. HOW TO SAY THANK YOU IN 100 LANGUAGES. AFRIKAANS – dankieALBANIAN – faleminderitARABIC – shukranARMENIAN – Շնորհակալություն / chnorakaloutiounBOSNIAN – hvala (HVAH-lah) BULGARIAN – благодаря / blagodariaCATALAN – gràcies (GRAH-syuhs) CANTONESE – M̀h’gōi CROATIAN – hvala (HVAH-lah)CZECH – děkuji (Dyekooyih)DANISH – tak (tahg)DUTCH – dank uESTONIAN – tänan (TA-nahn)FINNISH – kiitos (KEE-tohss)FRENCH – merciGERMAN – dankeGREEK – ευχαριστώ (ef-hah-rees-TOH)HAWAIIAN – mahalo (ma-HA-lo) HEBREW – .תודה  / todah (toh-DAH) HINDI – dhanyavād / shukriyaHUNGARIAN – köszönöm (KØ-sø-nøm) ICELANDIC – takk (tahk) INDONESIAN – terima kasih. It can also be taken as a sign that you’re trying to establish the need for formalities, which implies that you’re not interested in being all that friendly. BOSNIAN – hvala (HVAH-lah) BULGARIAN – благодаря / blagodaria. 3. thank you in Italian – Grazie. While there are many ways you can do this, the simplest way to show it is with a sincere “thank you.”, Download: FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to It was filled with bucket list checks and traveling to 5 continents, 13 countries and countless cities. You can express your gratitude either by saying grace before a meal or a “thank you” to those who have helped us. FluentU is a great If you're on a whirlwind tour of the world, or you just want to know how to be very polite in a multi-cultured society, tuck this mini-guide into your bag and learn a little every day. I think it is so beneficial to learn at least the basic words in the language of the country that you are visiting. Japanese – (Domo) Arigato (ah-ree-gah’-toh) or written ありがとう. (tuh-REE-mah KAH-see) ITALIAN – grazie (GRAHT-tsyeh)JAPANESE – arigatô (ah-ree-GAH-toh)KOREAN – 감사합니다 (gamsahamnida) LATVIAN – paldies (PUHL-dyehs)LEBANESE – choukraneLITHUANIAN – ačiū (AH-choo)MACEDONIAN – Благодарам / blagodaram (blah-GOH-dah-rahm) MALAY – terima kasih (TREE-muh KAH-seh) MALTESE – grazzi (GRUTS-ee)MANDARIN – XièxièMONGOLIAN – Баярлалаа (bayarlalaa) NORWEGIAN – takkPOLISH – dziękuję (Jenkoo-yen)  PORTUGUESE – obrigado [masculine]  / obrigada [feminine] (oh-bree-GAH-doo / oh-bree-GAH-dah) ROMANIAN – mulţumesc (mool-tzoo-MESK)RUSSIAN – спасибо (spuh-SEE-buh) SERBIAN – xвала / hvala (HVAH-lah) SLOVAK – Ďakujem (JAH-koo-yehm) SLOVENIAN – hvala (HVAA-lah) SPANISH – gracias (GRAH-syahs) SWEDISH – tack TAMIL – nandriTHAI – kop khunTURKISH – teşekkür ederim (teh shek uer eh der eem) UKRAINIAN – Дякую (DYAH-koo-yoo) WELSH – diolch (DEE-ol’ch)YIDDISH – a dankZULU – ngiyabonga, thanks for sharing nice way to say thanks in different languages. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Thank you in French (Europe-France, Africa, North America, Canada) Merci (mehr-see) Thank you in German (Europe – Germany) Danke (dahn-kah) Thank you in Greek (Europe - Greece) Efcharisto (ef-har-rih-stowe) Thank you in Hawaiian (Pacific Islands – Hawaii) Mahalo (mah-hah-loh) Thank you in Hebrew (Western Asia – Israel) Toda (toh-dah) Of course, mastering customs like this in a different language is always a little difficult. Saying Thank you in Asian Languages. If you wanted to say thank you to everyone on the planet, you'd probably need to learn around 7,000 languages. We give them for a variety of reasons on a variety of different occasions like birthdays, Christmas and returning from traveling. One universally-shared custom is the act of offering gifts. As a first step transcending the language barrier in Africa learning to say a few words in the native tongue will help. Or, maybe you’re just curious about what the rest of the world is up to. Surviving in a country where English is not widely spoken and you don’t speak the language can be challenging at times. The most important thing is the thought behind a gift. Saying Thank you in European Languages. For them, you may use the slightly more polite ありがとうございますいます (arigatou gozaimasu). Here’s how to say thank you in different languages! This is the translation of the word "Thank you" to over 100 other languages. This is a common way of saying “thank you,” but you may also use Þakka þér fyrir, which means “thank you very much.” 18. This last year was more amazing than I could have ever imagined. It’s quite common to say tackar (thanking) or tack så mycket (thanks so much), the latter of which is just slightly more formal but still quite casual. Manners and etiquette differ from culture to culture. The article “6 right ways to say thank you (in a note)” offers tips on how to write the perfect thank-you note. How is "thank you" translated into other languages like Spanish, Korean, German, or Japanese? You’re now ready to receive all manner of nice things and express your appreciation and gratitude no matter where you where. Learning about these expressions of gratitude will satisfy that multilingual craving. Portugese – obrigado (oh-bree-GAH-dooh) masculine/ obrigada (oh-bree-GAH-dah) feminine. Polish: Dziękuję Ci Click here to get a copy. This is a common way of saying “thank you,” but you may also use Þakka þér fyrir, which means “thank you very much.”, You can also use a simple dzięki (thanks) or dziękuję bardzo, the latter of which means, “thank you very much”. While this is the more general “thank you” in standard Arabic, you can get a little more specific and say شكرًا لك (shukraan lak) when talking to a male or شكرًا لكي (shukraan laki) when talking to a female. This is the main way to say “thank you,” but you can also use 多谢 (duōxiè), which is the equivalent of “thanks a lot,” to amplify the gratitude. Spanish – Gracias. So, what’s the best way to express gratitude? This diversity of “thank you” is exactly why it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the appropriate phrase or word to use wherever you’re living or traveling. How to say thank you in 50 Languages. It’s not a necessity to add those words, but it’s a nice touch. 7. thank you in Chinese – 谢谢 (xièxie) Danke, in that context, may give off the impression that you’re declining the offer. The Romance languages, such as Spanish and Italian, evolved from Latin. This custom varies from place to place. The rest of Europe developed their word for gratitude similarly. Just remember that it’s not always about what you say, but what you do that matters and the intent behind it. What can you do when you’ve just landed in a new country and you only have the manners you were raised with? This is why you’ll notice that many of their respective phrases for gratitude are so similar. All Rights Reserved. What you … You might offer a weak handshake in Europe. With someone of a higher social status, you’ll be safer using 감사합니다 (gamsahabnida) which is much more respectful. Ich danke dir (I thank you) Ich danke Ihnen (I thank you) Ich bin sehr dankbar für ... (I'm very … That would be impractical. Short and sweet is the basic French word for thanks, merci. Thanks for subscribing! Every conversation, formal or informal, starts with a greeting. You may hear people thank one another with merci mille fois, which equates to “a thousand thanks.”. researching a culture will aid you in your language learning experience. Most of these foreign languages have distinctive words, such as grazie (Italian), merci (French), asante (Swahili), tualumba (Tonga), dhanyawaad (Hindi), miigwetch (Ojibwe), and go raibh maith agat (Irish.) This word has a rich an interesting history worth reading about! Language Thank you Pronunciation; Afrikaans: dankie: dahn-kee: Arabic: shukran: shoe-krahn: Australian English : ta (informal) Chinese, Cantonese : do jeh : daw-dyeh: Chinese, Mandarin : xie xie : syeh-syeh: Czech: dêkuji: deh-ku-yih: Danish: tak: tahg: Finnish: kiitos: kee-toas: French : merci : mehr-see: German : danke : dahn-kah: Greek: efharisto: ef-har-rih-stowe: Hebrew: toda: toh-dah: Hindi, … Quick note: Although there are over 7000 languages spoken in the world today, 50 of some of the most widely spoken languages in the world are covered on this list, meaning that you’re sure to find a phrase that will be useful during your travels. Pay close attention to what the locals do and try to ascertain what the courteous customs are. Perhaps the best word you can learn to show your willingness to learn is the old and faithful “thank you”. French – Merci (Thank you very much= Merci Beaucoup) Italian – Grazie. It's often used in situations where you really want to stress your gratitude (like if you've been given a gift). Saying Thank you in Middle-Eastern Languages. ARABIC – shukran. Being frequent travellers we place importance on learning how to say thank you in different languages. If none of those seem to do the trick, just stick with what you know. You can use शुक्रिया (shukriya) which is informal. This is the most common way of thanking someone, but you can use kiitos paljon in cases where you’re extremely grateful to someone. Why isn’t Bangla here? Thank you in Spanish The most simple way to say thank you in Spanish is gracias. A thank you card is so simple, but it goes such a long way. 17. However, it’s also the easiest to go overboard with in some cultures. People around the world express gratitude in many different ways. When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. You might also find, as a language learner, that researching a culture will aid you in your language learning experience. In Latin Spanish, the “c” is pronounced like an “s”, while in European Spanish, the “c” is usually more like a “th” sound. Well, when in Rome! We've been learning about gratitude and thankfulness. Learn to Say Thank You in 10 Different Languages. Chinese – do jeh, daw … Although as mentioned earlier in our discussion of gratitude in Indian culture, we don’t recommend using either of these liberally. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account. What we’re trying to say is, you have to consider what is appropriate when giving gifts. ALBANIAN – faleminderit. In China, thanking people for every small gesture of kindness can be taken as a sign that you’re being disingenuous, and disingenuous gestures or expressions are seldom appreciated, for good reason. You may also use Большое спасибо (bolshoe spasibo) or, when trying to show immense gratitude, огромное спасибо (ogromnoye spasibo). If you’re embarking on an international adventure—or if you just want to be prepared to say “thanks” to anyone you meet in life—it’s good to learn how to say “thank you” in different languages. The Old High German which influenced English used dank, which isn’t too different from today’s danke. Thank You In Different Languages; Thank You Synonym; Ways To Say Thank You with Thank You Messages. Eager to be more polite? You generally use this when thanking someone for an act or service, while 多謝 (dòjeh) is used to thank someone for a gift or compliment. Imagine how the rest of the world’s diverse languages may differ! In English, the phrase “thank you” has a long history rooted—along with the rest of the language, of course—in several different cultures. AFRIKAANS – dankie. If you want to emphasize your thanks, add muchas - muchas gracias. If you could go back to any moment in time? If that doesn’t work for you, befriend a local and ask them about customs directly. These simple words of … This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you Fortunately, however, there's a better way to thank to as many people in the world as possible. As a language learner, someone new to a culture, you can only be expected to do your best. Again, the thought behind your gesture is the most important. Here is how to say thank you in 50 languages so you’ll never be stuck again! CATALAN – gràcies (GRAH-syuhs) Now, that’s just European languages—and they still have their differences. That is to say, reciprocation is generally presumed, and therefore there’s no need to actually say “thank you.”. it is my native language and one of the most spoken language in the world. (Download). can take anywhere. You may choose to say mahalo nui loa, which means “thank you very much.” This word has a rich an interesting history worth reading about! 4. thank you in French – Merci (Thank you very much= Merci Beaucoup) 5. thank you in German – Danke. © 2021 Enux Education Limited. Here's how to say hello in different languages of the world — 21 of them, to be exact. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. Usually, these things are easily forgivable. We’ll go through the singular expressions of gratitude in each of several different cultures before exploring the actual phrases you should learn to use. When you pick out a card, you can tailor it to that person’s interests and personality. Have you ever thought of doing it in a special way, like using different languages to express yourself? For example, if you’re expressing thankfulness or gratitude in a speech at a wedding, a formal reception or networking event, or in a lecture, it would be appropriate to choose more formal language. What isn’t forgivable is failing to show proper gratitude, which is the easiest thing to do to be polite in most countries. Learning a foreign language becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. 2. thank you in Spanish – Gracias. Let’s get started! We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. If speaking formally, it’s better to use dank u wel. As long as you show that you’re genuine and that you’re trying, a small faux pas or two will be forgiven. It seems that most of the world’s inhabitants are already familiar with the Spanish word for “thank you,” gracias. So, the next time you are feeling like you need to say thank you (and do it more often than not), pick anyone of these. Chances are that one of the first words you learned in Spanish is gracias, the most common way to say "thanks" or "thank you." People understand that you’re still learning. A simple ‘THANK YOU’ goes a long way in showing people you have courtesy and it is one of the ways you can express your gratitude. As we’ve said, there are a lot of acceptable, highly-appreciated ways to do it. 100 ways to write thank you in different languages. When someone does something, anything, for you, it’s always good to show them that you appreciate the thought behind their action. Of course, you can’t always give gifts to thank people. While a lot of things are uncertain, we know that the word “thank” comes from the Old English “thanc,” which means “thought.” The sentiment was that those who were grateful would think plenty of the person to whom they were grateful. I wanted to say thank you to all of the places who were part of making the past twelve months memorable. In this day and age, there’s a multitude of easily-available methods to briefly research a place and its culture. There are a lot of things to consider. If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to learn languages with real-world videos. To show respect to strangers or those of a higher status, add 요 (yo) to the end. This is the perfect free printable sheet for Thanksgiving or any time of year. These are very basic manners that can be very useful to learn in different languages. Past the age of nine, pasta artwork just doesn’t cut it! Thankfully, gifts aren’t the only appreciated gesture of gratitude. You may choose to say mahalo nui loa, which means “thank you very much.” This word has a rich an interesting history worth reading about! Even if you don’t slurp your food at dinner or bow when you accept a gift, show appreciation the way you usually do. Check out the 101 different ways to say “thank you” in different languages below, and pick a new one every once in a while to show your appreciation to that special someone in a different language and culture. Thank You Wording for Gifts. This is quite a formal way of thanking someone. Choose the proper word ending according to your own gender! , Making a promise to myself to explore more of my b, Many of you have been asking about my next book ~, I AM WHAT I LIVE // and while this year has forced, Learning French AM vs PM hahaha.... which one do y, Thanks for all the well wishes on arriving back in, How travel will change after the Pandemic (…. The reason for this is that gratitude is expected. This is common, but you can also use îți mulțumesc which is informal. You can add emphasis by saying grazie mille, but be warned that this can sometimes be perceived as sarcasm! If someone offers you something, it’s better to use bitte when accepting. No matter how you express your thanks, if there’s real intent, the recipient is sure to appreciate it. There’s also muchas gracias or muchísimas gracias for even more emphasis. Even if it’s not a big deal, a little gratitude is just polite. It is customary to bow as you accept a gift using both hands. It’s also acceptable to pat your chest with one hand as a small gesture conveying your thanks. FluentU brings language learning to life with real-world videos. You will often find that the locals are just so much Gracias is, of course, a useful word and should top any list of words Spanish students should learn. That applies in India as well, where a simple “thank you” can actually be a bit offensive. For example, money is generally seen as being a relatively thoughtless gift, except in a few rare cases. In most Western cultures, it’s appropriate to thank the host (or chef in some cases) for a lovely meal, while in China and Japan, they’ll see your appreciation when you slurp your meal up or burp at the end as an expression of real satisfaction and gratitude. Your sweetheart will love that you took the time to learn how to show your appreciation in another language! Write Them a Thank You Card . Icelandic: Takk. We did a preschool lesson on how to say, read, and write thank you in several different languages! A little goes a long way and you can be sure to win some hearts with the locals. It’s certainly a lot easier than trying to acquaint yourself with formal dining etiquette, anyway. Being polite doesn’t always mean the same thing. In a way, the less traditionally polite you are, the friendlier you’ll appear. Use "dhanyavaad" (धन्यवाद्) as a basic formal thank-you. Use this informally. How-To Say Thank You in 14 Different Languages: English – Thank you, Thanks. As we said, expressing gratitude is one of the easier aspects of courtesy. By the Letter: How to Learn a New Alphabet with 7 Tips and Tricks, Learn a Language Through Music with 6 Awesome Lyrics Sites, The Penny Pincher’s Guide to Learning Any Language for Free, The Top 8 “What Language Should I Learn” Online Quizzes, The 6 Best Sources of Language Learning Videos on the Internet. You can use that to prepare and save yourself from a few awkward situations you might encounter through misunderstanding. In different languages appreciation in another language way, the less traditionally polite you are.... Table manners for dinner in China or Japan trying to acquaint yourself with formal dining etiquette, anyway ) the. The less traditionally polite you are, the less traditionally polite you are, the thought a. Use the slightly more polite ありがとうございますいます ( arigatou gozaimasu ) a greeting using! This word has a rich an interesting history worth reading about in day. 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