Roughly 473,000 first-time asylum applications were filed in countries that belong to the European Union between January and September 2019, according to Eurostat. In 2019, 676 300 asylum seekers applied for international protection in the 27 current Member States of the European Union (EU-27), up by 11.2 % compared with 2018. That's the highest number since 2015, Between 1986 and 2007, data on asylum was collected on the basis of a gentlemen’s agreement. 57,012 (58,525). For the purpose of this analysis only the top 30 countries of citizenship in terms of the number of first-time applicants for asylum were considered. with between 6,000 and 11,000 migrants arriving on average each month. July 22, 2019. Conversely, Italy, Croatia, Poland, Czechia and Hungary each recorded a share of positive first instance decisions between 19.7 % (Italy) and 8.5 % (Hungary). Greece saw a dramatic increase in arrivals, while arrivals in Italy and Spain declined. migration to the European Union, i.e. cross a river or the English Channel. Altogether, 3.4% of Data extracted on 16 March 2020 and 26 May 2020 (parts on applications by unaccompanied minors and decisions on asylum applications). rate. The most popular point-of-entry countries into the European In April, the government announced that Germany would accept 4,600 resettled refugees in 2018 and 5,600 in 2019 as a contribution towards an EU … to Italy or Malta; 516 between Libya and Italy/Malta. An unaccompanied minor is a person less than 18 years old who arrives on the territory of an EU-27 Member State not accompanied by an adult responsible for the minor or a minor who is left unaccompanied after having entered the territory of a Member State. How many people arrived in Europe in 2019 without papers? in 2015; and 3,184 in 2014). Europe also played a crucial role in developing a set of rules and norms regulating human mobility in the region. By contrast, in Estonia, Lithuania and Portugal, all final decisions were negative. 2011: Croatia, Hungary, Austria and Finland not available. 227 migrants were reported dead or missing on their way from Tunisia Among children, 17,735 were considered UASC while claiming asylum … third of that – 1,246 migrants – are estimated to have died in the when 24,815 people arrived that way. Turkey to Greece doubled compared to 2018, the number of people taking the The EU-27 aggregate includes 2018 data for Spain. For many, Europe may not be their intended destination when they set out on their journey: most head for neighbouring countries at first, but the abuse they experience along the way compels them to push on towards Europe. The 1951 Geneva Convention relating to the status of refugees (as amended by the 1967 New York Protocol) has, for around 70 years, defined who is a refugee, and laid down a common approach towards refugees that has been one of the cornerstones for the development of a common asylum system within the EU. In 2019, 38.1 % of EU-27 first instance asylum decisions resulted in positive outcomes, that is grants of refugee or subsidiary protection status, or an authorisation to stay for humanitarian reasons. Afghans accounted for 8.6 % of the total number of first-time asylum applicants and Venezuelans for 7.3 %, while Colombians and Iraqis for 5.2 % and 4.4 %, respectively. Since 2013, Syria remains the main country of citizenship of asylum seekers in the EU-27. A total of 105,425 migrants arrived in Europe by crossing were 2,299 migrants reported dead or missing in the Mediterranean – almost Migration to Europe in 2019: Facts and figures. how many people attempted the crossing in the first place) also decreased in Refugee rate. Until the end of the Second World War, most migration was within and out of Europe. The Central Mediterranean region saw 14,500 migrant arrivals The European Commission’s policy plan on asylum (COM(2008) 360 final) was presented in June 2008 which included three pillars to underpin the development of the CEAS: With this in mind, in 2009 the European Commission made a proposal to establish a European Asylum Support Office (EASO). The EASO supports EU Member States in their efforts to implement a more consistent and fair asylum policy. arrivals in 2019 – the number of arrivals in 2018 was more than twice as high Around 91 000 people in the EU-27 received positive final decisions based on appeal or review in 2019, of which 33 200 were granted refugee status, 30 000 were granted subsidiary protection, and a further 27 900 were granted humanitarian status. Syrians accounted for the largest number of applicants in seven of the 27 EU Member States, including 39 300 applicants in Germany. pattern and migration within the EU are not yet fully available for 2019. Croatia, which many migrants try to cross in a bid to make it from the Balkans European Union without a visa or similar documentation. Central Mediterranean Route (mainly from Libya and Tunisia to Italy and Malta) migrants who attempted that crossing died. In 2019 alone, there have already been 27,301 sea arrivals in Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus and Malta. Less than 172,000 people – mostly fleeing conflict in the Middle East and poverty in Africa – crossed the Mediterranean into Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Spain in 2017, compared to more than 363,000 in 2016. Germany reported 22,255 applications. Refugees and Migrants in Europe - 2019 Update. The share of positive final decisions based on appeal or review (30.7 %; see Figure 9) was lower in the EU-27 in 2019 than for first instance decisions (38.1 %; see Figure 8). Among the youngest age group (0–13 years), males accounted for 51.2 % of the total number of applicants in 2019. 2012: Croatia, Hungary and Austria not available. At the end of 2019, there were 26.0 million refugees and 45.7 million internally displaced persons worldwide (UNHCR figures). IOM data shows that there are over 200,000 migrants stuck across Across the EU-27, female applicants outnumbered male applicants in 2019 for asylum applicants aged 65 and over, although this group was relatively small, accounting for just 0.8 % (0.5 % females and 0.3 % males) of the total number of first-time applicants. The death rate here was 1.5%. in a truck in the UK – a grizzly discovery that brought worldwide attention to crossings. 2019, down to 0.7%. In the Eastern Mediterranean, between Turkey and primarily Turkey is now taking steps to thin the number of refugees in its urban centers, recently moving more than 6,000 Syrians from Istanbul to temporary housing in other provinces. Europe in 2019 using irregular migration routes did so by crossing the Mediterranean Sea, data from both IOM and Frontex shows. In July 2016, the European Commission put forward a second set of proposals related to the reform of the CEAS, for example to establish a resettlement framework for the EU (COM(2016) 468 final) and a common procedure for international protection (COM(2016) 467 final) as well as a recast of the legislation on the standards for the reception of applicants for international protection (COM(2016) 465 final). increase in arrivals in the second half of 2019 – between July and November, Many migrants, however, are finding themselves stuck in Croatia's Applicants in 2019. The next high numbers of applicants of a single citizenship in 2019 were also observed in Germany (13 700 applicants from Iraq and 10 800 from Turkey), Greece (10 800 applicants from Syria) and France (10 000 applicants from Afghanistan). Two different categories of persons should be taken into account when analysing asylum statistics. Mediterranean. The distribution of first-time asylum applicants by sex shows that more men (61.9 %) than women (38.1 %) were seeking asylum. AMIF has effectively and successfully supported the Union's common response to the migration crisis, while also providing a sign of solidarity to the Member States on the frontline. EU-wide figures regarding both "legal" migration According to IOM, 144,282 people arrived in 2018; in 2017, that number This is for the sake of the refugees but also for Europeans themselves. This plan aims to set-up a coordinated approach and commits all EU Member States to grant high standards of reception, protection and integration for unaccompanied minors. Refugee status. Roughly one third of Mediterranean migrant deaths (432) took fewer people attempted to cross the Western and especially the Central In particular, the European Commission offers Member States continued financial support under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF). via that sea route in 2019 (as of December 19). Persons may however apply for international protection in more than one Member State in a given reference year. Greece/Cyprus: just 71 migrants, according to IOM. 2,140 asylum applications by refugees were received in 2019 in Norway - according to UNHCR. Europe Missions. Union by land included Greece and Bulgaria, which both border on Turkey, and (In 2017, that number was 3,139; 5,141 in 2016; 4,041 612 700 first-time asylum seekers applied for international protection in the Member States of the EU-27 in 2019. "We knew it was dangerous, I knew it was dangerous, but when you have a lion at your back and the sea in front, you take the sea." 3,170 migrant fatalities worldwide in 2019 (as of December 19). twice as many as in 2019. A total of 2,247 decisions have been made on initial applications. With 142 400 applicants registered in 2019, Germany accounted for 23.3 % of all first-time applicants in the EU-27. The four main legal instruments on asylum — all of which are currently subject to proposals for replacement or recasting — are: EU operational and financial support has been instrumental in helping Member States to address the migration challenge. (Iraq is counted as a part of Asia in this data source.) Among Member States with more than 5 000 first-time asylum seekers in 2019, the number of first time applicants rose most in relative terms compared with the previous year in Spain (+118.4 %, or 62 400 more first-time asylum seekers in 2019 than in 2018), Cyprus (+66.8 %, or 5 100 more), ahead of Sweden (+27.9 %, or 5 000 more), Belgium (+27.4 %, or 5 000 more), Greece (+15.3 %, or 9 900 more), the Netherlands (+9.9 %, or 2 000 more) and France (+7.6 %, or 8 500 more). It puts forward the idea of a common European asylum system (CEAS), in particular, it raises the challenge to establish common procedures and uniform status for those granted asylum or subsidiary protection. The second is composed of persons who have been recognised, after consideration, as refugees, or have been granted another kind of international protection (subsidiary protection), or were granted protection on the basis of the national law related to international protection (authorisations to stay for humanitarian reasons), or were rejected from having any form of protection. 2009: Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, Croatia. As a complement to this action plan, the European Migration Network has produced a comprehensive EU study on reception policies, as well as return and integration arrangements for unaccompanied minors. Croatia due to pushbacks and increased border patrols on the Croatian side of Mediterranean. In 2019, European countries12 recorded 672,935 new asylum seekers. the plight of Vietnamese migrant workers. in Europe were "independent" landings, which means that migrants Greek islands last saw arrival numbers like that in early 2016, before the In May 2016, the European Commission presented a first package of reforms, including proposals for establishing a sustainable and fair Dublin system (COM(2016) 270 final), reinforcing the Eurodac system (COM(2016) 272 final) and establishing a European Agency for Asylum (COM(2016) 271 final). Most settled in cities such as Istanbul, where they can find work. Full-time statisticians in UNHCR's Field Information and Coordination Section track the number of people forced to flee so that when a major displacement crisis erupts Syrian, Afghan and Venezuelan – main citizenships of asylum applicants in the EU-27 in 2019. Data on decisions on asylum applications are available for two instance levels, namely first instance decisions and final decisions taken in appeal or review. Data are provided to Eurostat with a monthly frequency (for asylum application statistics), quarterly frequency (for first instance decisions) or annual frequency (for final decisions based on appeal or review, resettlement and unaccompanied minors). Updated 9:26 AM EDT, Wed June 19, 2019 (CNN) — More than ... “However, we must not forget that 91% of the refugees do not live in the European Union, but are often admitted to … the Balkans right now, in particular in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Serbia. authorisations to stay for humanitarian reasons, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), EU study on reception policies, as well as return and integration arrangements for unaccompanied minors, Dublin statistics on countries responsible for asylum application, Enforcement of immigration legislation statistics, Residence permits - statistics on first permits issued during the year, Migration and migrant population statistics, Population and population change statistics, All publications on asylum and managed migration, Decisions on applications and resettlement, European Commission — DG Migration and Home Affairs — Common European asylum system, While the number of people who crossed the Aegean Sea from injuries, hypothermia and exhaustion (suffered by migrants who tried to cross a "Mediterranean Route" this past year than in the past. Of the conflicts raging across the globe in 2019, the Syrian civil war accounted for the largest share of international refugees and asylum seekers, 6.6 million. Asylum is a form of international protection given by a state on its territory. current rate. In absolute terms, 109 000 persons were granted refugee status in the EU-27 in 2019 at first instance, 52 000 were given subsidiary protection status, and 45 100 were given authorisation to stay for humanitarian reasons. A first-time applicant for international protection is a person who lodged an application for asylum for the first time in a given EU Member State and therefore excludes repeat applicants (in that Member State) and so more accurately reflects the number of newly arrived persons applying for international protection in the reporting Member State. Among EU-27 Member States, the highest shares of positive first instance decisions out of the total number of first instance decisions in 2019 were recorded in Spain (66.2 %), followed by Luxembourg (56.7 %), Austria (53.5 %), Greece (53.1 %), Ireland (52.1 %) and Denmark (52.0 %). The swell of Syrians has pushed Turke… Prot. Migrant deaths within Europe: Highest number since 2015, There were 123 people who died on their migration journeys EU states were given until September 26 2017 to comply. Nearly four years after almost 1 million refugees were welcomed into the country, Germany has quietly been closing the window on asylum applications and ramping up deportations. Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Europe, Macedonia, Spain. 2013: Austria not available. get into the EU – that's about one fifth of the total number of people. in 2019 was comparatively low on the 'eastern route'’ between Turkey and 116; 2017: 97; 2016: 60; 2015: 135). when there were significantly more migrants and refugees on the move. In 2019 there were 14 100 applications[3] in the EU-27 from unaccompanied minors; 7.1 % of all minors were unaccompanied (see Figure 6). decreased significantly. The EASO became fully operational in June 2011 and has worked to increase its capacity, activity and influence, working with the European Commission and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). He urged member countries to show solidarity with the likes of Greece, Italy and Hungary by taking 160,000 refugees off their hands. It was followed by France (119 900, or 19.6 %), Spain (115 200, or 18.8 %), ahead of Greece (74 900, or 12.2 %) and Italy (35 000, or 5.7 %). In 2016 the numbers fell to 65,500, and there was a further fall in 2017 to 32,335, and in 2018 to 20,320, still significantly higher than for any year before 2014. like the standoff between the Sea-Watch 3 and its captain Carola Rackete with The number of repeat applicants (persons lodged more than one application ) in the EU-27 in 2019 was 63 600, representing a 9.4 % of the total number of applicants. people trying to cross the central Mediterranean died. crossings, standoff between the Sea-Watch 3 and its captain Carola Rackete with 2019 Report Refugees in Spain and Europe. The data arrived as the European Commission is expected, by the end of this month, to present its proposal for reform of EU migration and asylum rules. 38 % of EU-27 first instance asylum decisions resulted in positive outcomes in 2019. 165,938. Many European countries see more people arrive than depart, and net migration is especially high in the economic heartland of Western Europe. Member State data refer to the number of persons applying for asylum for the first time in that Member State. Consequently, the EU total may include such multiple applications. Since 1999, the EU has worked towards creating a common European asylum regime in accordance with the Geneva Convention and other applicable international instruments. EU-Turkey deal was signed. Among EU-27 Member States, the highest shares of positive final decisions out of the total number of final decisions in 2019 were recorded in Bulgaria (67.7 %), followed by Austria (55.7 %), Ireland (48.9 %), the Netherlands (48.0 %) and Finland (44.9 %). migrants and asylum seekers who arrived in Europe in 2019, Frontex detected roughly 125,000 "illegal" border The seventeenth annual report from the Spa- nish Commission for Refugees (CEAR) analyses the situation of refugees in the world, the Euro-pean Union, and mainly in Spain over 2018. Europe has been a crossroads of human mobility since ancient times. neighboring states as it has become difficult for migrants to cross into By far the largest number of decisions (both first and final) was issued in Germany (see Figure 7), accounting for 28.5 % of the total first instance decisions and 44.2 % of the total final decisions in the EU-27 in 2019. between Algeria and Spain. bringing more harmonisation to standards of protection by further aligning the EU Member States’ asylum legislation; effective and well-supported practical cooperation; increased solidarity and sense of responsibility among EU Member States, and between the EU and non-member countries. Refugees in Europe. arrived by land; the ratio of people who arrived by land and sea, respectively, landed without the aid of NGO boats, coast guard vehicles or the like. In contrast, the largest relative decreases were recorded in Italy (-34.5 %, or 18 400 fewer), Germany (-12.0 %, or 19 400 fewer) and Austria (-7.0 %, or 800 fewer), see Figure 3. 38 % of EU-27 Member States of the outcome of first instance asylum decisions resulted grants. ( data for October through December has not yet fully available for 2019 in arrivals, while arrivals Italy... Exceeded 3.6 million people outcome of first instance refugees off their hands refugees recognized a..., Hungary, Austria, Romania and Finland not available 2,299 migrants reported dead or missing the! Higher numbers of applicants in the EU this year, mostly by sea, the! Decisions were negative total is calculated as an aggregation of Member States, including 39 300 applicants in EU-27... Current rate of rules and norms regulating human mobility since ancient times 3,139 ; 5,141 in 2016 ; in. Also for Europeans themselves pushed Turke… 2,140 asylum applications ) within the EU total include. 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