The hole in the nave is called Kha: into it the end of the axle was inserted; but there is some uncertainty whether Ani denotes the extremity of the axle that was inserted in the nave, or the lynch-pin used to keep that extremity in the wheel. But the subdivision of the Viś into several Gramas is very doubtful. -दैवत्य a. destined for the god; Ms.2.189. The ubhaya-dyuk (‘ on both days ’) variety appears to mean a disease recurring for two suc¬cessive days, the third being free; this corresponds to the rhythmus quartanus complicatus. -प्रसूत a. good-produced (water); Av.6. -2 sacred or dedicated to a deity. as it happened, in ac cordance with the facts, circumstantially; according to the metre; n. previous event; ac tual facts, details of an event; -vrittânta, m.(?) -हेडनम् an offence against the gods. -गुरुः 1 an epithet of Kaśyapa (the father of gods). ); m. servant; -giram, ad. ... "swimming eyes"; "sorrow made the eyes of many grow liquid" the act of swimming; "it was the swimming they enjoyed most"; "they took a short swim … to be concealed; -vargá,a. one who offers waters to the manes. fp. -कण्टकः a. kind of leprosy. Me.44. Oldenberg12 points to the fact that the new moon is far more distinctively an epoch than the full moon; that the Greek, Roman, and Jewish years began with the new moon; and that the Vedic evidence is the division of the month into the former (j>ūrva) and latter (apara) halves, the first being the bright (śukla), the second the dark (krsna) period. a. spotted (elephant): -î, f. lotus (nelumbium speciosum: flower & plant); multitude of lotuses; lotus-pond: -khanda, n. group of lotuses. Realizing this, the gods and goddesses switched over to the recitation of Om. -3 a kind of coitus. -यजनम् 1 a sacrificial place, a place where a sacrifice is performed; ततस्ते देवयजनं ब्राह्मणाः स्वर्णलाङ्गलैः (कृष्ट्वा) Bhāg.1.74.12. in the course of a month; lc. It must have been an early appellation of a definite class which was separate from the other classes, and properly to be compared with them. Thibaut considers that to assume the existence of the pīirnimānta system for the Veda is unnecessary, though possible. also अंश्वादिगण a class of words headed by अंशु which have their last vowel accented acute when they stand at the end of a tatpuruṣa, correspond with the word प्रति as the first member. -रहस्यम् a divine mystery. But there are strong reasons to accept the identification of the later and the earlier Sarasvatī throughout. ; in due form, suitably; according to the deserts of (g.); -viniyogam, ad. But a reconciliation of Indra and Cyavana must have taken place, because the Aitareya Brāhmana relates the inauguration of śāryāta by Cyavana with the great Indra consecration (aindrena mahābhisekena). is dropped. A list of the consecrated kings is given in the Aitareya Brāhmaṇa, where the royal inauguration is called the ‘great unctioni (vtahābhiseka) connected with Indra. But like the Homeric commoners, the Vaiśyas may well have done little of the serious fighting, being probably ill-provided with either body armour or offensive weapons. The determinations adopted below are due to Whitney in his notes on the Sūrya Siddhānta. ˚विद्या the science of music, dance, other arts &c.; Ch. It may be that Viś sometimes represents in the older texts what later was known as the Gotra. -2 one of the trees of paradise. bh&usharp;r bhúvah svãh); -vratá, n. great or fundamental duty; great vow; great religious observance; N. of a Sâ man or Stotra to be chanted on the last day but one of the Gavâmayana (also applied to the day and the ceremony); rules of the worshippers of Siva Pasupati; a. having undertaken great duties or a great vow, practising great aus terity, very devotional; following the rules of the Pâsupatas; m. a Pâsupata; -vratika, a. following the rules of the Pâsupatas; m. a Pâsupata; -vratin, a., m., id. The name, if not already a feminine, may be turned into a feminine and compounded with pūrna-māsa, ‘the full moon,’ as in Tisyā-pūrnamāsa, ‘the full moon in the Naksatra Tisya.’103 Much more often, however, it is turned into a derivative adjective, used with paurnamāsī, ‘the full moon (night)/ or with amāvāsyā, ‘the new moon (night)/ as in Phālgunī paurnamāsl, ‘the full-moon night in the Naksatra Phālgunī’;104 or, as is usual in the Sūtras, the Naksatra adjective alone is used to denote the full-moon night. -3 Defective, deficient. -जिनी, -रुहिणी 1 a lotus plant; भ्रमर कथं वा सरोजिनीं त्यजसि Bv.1.1. The needs of a conquering people evoke the monarch; the lesser princes sink to the position of nobles ; for repelling the attacks of aborigines or of other Aryan tribes, and for quelling the revolts of the subdued population, the state requires a standing army in the shape of the armed retainers of the king, and beside the nobility of the lesser princes arises that of the king’s chief retainers, as the Thegns supplemented the Gesiths of the Anglo-Saxon monarchies. (i. e. मन्दार, पारिजात, सन्तान, कल्प and हरि- चन्दन); पञ्चैते देवतरवो मन्दारः पारिजातकः । सन्तानः कल्पवृक्षश्च पुंसि वा हरिचन्दनम् ॥ Ak. [अनूपे देशे भवः, यत्] Being in a pond or bog. -प्राय a. marshy, boggy. in accordance with the find; in pro portion to property; -vidha, a. of what kind; -vidhânam, ad.according to prescription or rule, duly; -vidhânena, in ad. dual. ; आब्रह्मभुवनाल्लोका देवर्षिपितृमानवाः । तृप्यन्तु पितरः सर्वे मातृमातामहा- दयाः Tarpaṇamantra. It seems to correspond to what is elsewhere called Asandi ; as used in the Upanisad, it can, however, hardly mean a long seat for reclining on, but rather a throne. -मातृ f. N. of Aditi, mother of gods. Roth, however, appears to be right in taking the normal sense to designate a vessel into which the Soma was poured from the press, and Hillebrandt shows clearly that when it occurs in the plural it always has this sense, corresponding to the Graha-pātras of the later ritual, and that sometimes it is so used in the singular or dual also. -श्रीः m. a sacrifice. कुमुदवनमपश्रि श्रीमदम्भोजषण्डम् Śi.11.64. -निकायः 1 'residence of gods', paradise, heaven; तं तुष्टुवुर्देवनिकायकेतवः Bhāg.1.27.25. In the śatapatha Brāhmaṇa the legend of Videgha Māthava preserves clearly a tradition that in Videha culture came from the Brahmins of the West, and that Kosala was brahminized before Videha. -8 The Supreme Spirit; हित्वा च देहं प्रविशन्ति देवं दिवौकसो द्यामिव पार्थ सांख्याः Mb.12.31.112. Kirâtârgunîya XV, 52); -yasas, a. very famous, illustrious (person); -yâna, n. the Great Vehicle (a later form of Buddhistic doctrine originated by Nâgâr guna: opp.hîna-yâna); N. of a prince of the fairies (having a great car); -yuga, n. a great Yuga (equal to four ordinary Yugas or 4,320,000 years); -yuddha, n. great battle; -½âyudha, a. bearing great weapons (Siva); -ragana, n.saffron; a. coloured with saffron; -rana, m. great battle; -½aranya, n. great forest; -ratna, n. precious jewel: -maya, a. consisting of costly jewels, -vat, a. adorned with costly jewels; -rathá, m. great chariot; great warrior; N.; -rathyâ, f. main road; -½ârambha, m. great under taking; a. enterprising, active; -rava, m. great roar or yell; a. making a loud noise, shouting loud; m. N.; -rasa, a. extremely savoury; -râgá, m. great king, reigning prince, sovereign: -½adhirâga, m. lord of great kings, emperor; -râgñî, f. reigning princess, queen; ep. But the śatapatha Brāhmaṇa exalts the Vājapeya, in which a priest could be the sacrificer, over the Rājasūya, from which he was excluded, and identifies it with the Bṛhaspatisava, a clear piece of juggling in the interests of the priestly pretentions. In the Rigveda2 the sun is normally regarded as a beneficent power, a not unnatural view in a people which must apparently have issued from the cold regions of the Himālaya mountains. ); -samuditám, ad. This theory has been severely criticized by Hertel and von Schroeder. -2 a courtezan (employed as a dancer in a temple). -केशरः, -रम् the filament of a lotus. -अनुचरः, -अनुयायिन् m. an attendant or follower of a god; निशम्य देवानुचरस्य वाचं मनुष्यदेवः पुनरप्युवाच R.2.52. to be restored; -devatam, ad. -5 A title affixed to the names of Bārhmaṇas; as in गोविन्ददेव, पुरुषोत्तमदेव &c. -6 (In dramas) A title of honour used in addressing a king, ('My lord', 'Your majesty'); ततश्च देव Ve.4; यथाज्ञापयति देवः &c. -7 Quicksilver. It is perhaps significant that the Takman does not appear until the Atharvaveda. n. (day) lotus; -ginî, f. lotus plant: -vana, n. pond covered with lotuses; -da, m. cloud; -dhara, m. su śrutaṃ (read pra suśrutaṃ ?) id. Paṇi, Vaṇij), but pastoral pursuits and agriculture must have been their normal occupations. Varṇa). Then come Ardrā, Punarvasū, Tisya, Aśresās, Maghās (beside which Anaghās, Agadās, and Arun- dhatīs are also mentioned), Phalgunyas (but elsewhere in the dual, Phalgunyau), Phalgunyas, Hasta, Citrā, Nistyā, Viśākhe, Anūrādhās, Jyesthā, Mūla, Asādhās, Asā(jhās, Abhijit, śronā, Sravisthās, Satabhisaj, Prosthapadās, Prosthapadās, Revatī, Aśvayujau, Bharanyas, but also Apabharanīs. पद्मिनी 1 The lotus plant; पद्मिनी नक्तमुन्निद्रा Kāv.4.45; सुरगज इव बिभ्रत् पद्मिनीं दन्तलग्नाम् Ku.3.76; R.16.68; Me.83; M.2.13; निरास भृङ्गं कुपितेव पद्मिनी Bk.2.6. deos.]. To replace many characters us * example śakt* will give all words starting with śakt. ± saha, --°ree;); blow, thrust (rare); gait (rare); -hrishta-tanûruha, a. having the hair brist ling, thrilled with joy. -पुष्पः the Karṇikāra plant. “yoga”. -भोज्यम् nectar. 13. कुमुद्वतीनां कुमुदाकरैरिव Śi.12.4. -5 N. of a Nāga who gave his younger sister कुमुद्वती to Kuśa, son of Rāma; see R.16.79.86. inaccurately employed in the sense of if any (one). The name given to it in the Vājasaneyi Samhitā is Amhasas- pati, while that given in the Taittirīya and Maitrāyaṇī Sarphitās is Sarpsarpa. C/. Ā. pondering, iv. Yes, fish can live in a natural swimming pool! -2> a temple. -2 any holy river; Ms.2.17. -3 A species of serpent. -3 a gambling-house. ± saha, --°ree;); cohabitation, with (--°ree;); settlement, dwelling; common abode (rare); -vâsin, a. pp. -इन्दुः the crescent moon. Sanskrit Dictionary is a bilingual, translates any word from English to Sanskrit or Sanskrit to English.Type a word in search box & click on Translate button. (Malli. (--°ree;) afflicted by (fate); --°ree; (instead of °ree;--, gnly. in accordance with the cardinal points, ac cording to thecorresponding direction; -½â dishta, pp. in accord ance with truth, truthfully; -samdishtam, ad. Two hymns of the Atharvveda celebrate these days respectively. The word krttikā possibly means ‘web/ from the root krt, spin.’ 2. Within its boundaries flowed the rivers Drsadvatī and Sarasvatī, as well as the Apayā. in a month=after the lapse of a month. ‘ to stretch,’ from which these two terms are derived, being used in parallel senses. Alcedo atthis is the bird we call a Kingfisher in Britain. sing. But this view, though it cannot be said to be impossible or even unlikely, is not susceptible of proof, and has been rejected by Hillebrandt, Pischel, von Schroeder,Macdonell, and Bloomfield, among others. The Kāthaka Samhitā, however, allows Anurādhās also. Siva gave human form to the fish and called him Matsyendranath (Lord of the fishes). Without ignoring the possibility that the Dravidians were agriculturists, there is no reason to deny that the Aryans were so likewise, and the goad of the plougher was the mark of a Vaiśya in life and in death. as has been con sidered good; -samâmnâtam, ad. kind of sea-crab; -salkalin, a. having large scales (fish); -sastra, n. mighty weapon; -sâka, n. kind of vegetable; -sâkya, m. great or distinguished Sâkya; -sânti, f. great appeasement (a kind of rite to avert evil);(&asharp;)-sâla, possessor of a great house, great householder; -sâlîna, a. very modest; -sâsana, n. great sway; a. exer cising great sway; -siras, a. large-headed; m. kind of serpent; -sûdra, m. Sûdra in a high position, upper servant; -saila, m. great rock or mountain; -½asman, m. precious stone; -smâsâna, n. large cemetery; ep. The full moon in Phālguna would be placed about one month and a half after the winter solstice, or, say, in the first week of February, which date, according to Thibaut, may reasonably be deemed to mark the beginning of a new season in India about 800 B.C. The number of the mansions is not stated as 27 in the story told in the two Samhitās: the Taittīriya has, and the Kāthaka no number; but 27 appears as their number in the list which is found in the Taittirīya Samhitā and elsewhere. The five bulls (uksānah) in another passage of the Rigveda have received a similar interpretation with equal uncertainty, and Durga, in his commentary on the Nirukta, even explains the term bhūmija, ‘ earth-born,’ which is only mentioned by Yāska, as meaning the planet Mars.Thibaut, who is generally sceptical as to the mention of planets in the Veda, thinks that Brhaspati there refers to Jupiter; but this is extremely improbable, though in the Taittirīya Samhitā Brhaspati is made the regent of Tisya. -1 A mark or mole on the human body. ni, represent in pantomime, notify by gesture; perceive; ascertain; find out; look into, observe carefully, consider, ponder; examine, investigate, discuss; determine, settle; choose, appoint, as (2 ac. The Vaiśya plays singularly little part in Vedic literature, which has much to say of Kṣatriya and Brahmin. -2 a frequenter of gaming-houses. one should requite (d., lc. to be clasped (Br. -4 A species of monkey. The sense of this word is not absolutely certain : the Pada text and Sāyana both take it to mean 4 without face ’ (an-ās), but the other rendering, 4 noseless ’ (a-nās), is quite possible, and would accord well with the flat-nosed aborigines of the Dravidian type, whose language still persists among the Brahuis, who are found in the north-west. ); ocean (C., rare): -î, f. region abounding in pools (E., rare); N. of a large river flowing into the sea and of its tutelary deity (V.); N. of a small sacred river which with the Dri shadvatî forms the boundary of Brahmâvar ta and loses itself in a sandy desert, but is supposed to flow underground and join the Ganges and Yamunâ (V., C.); N. of various other rivers; N. of one of the three goddesses in the Âprî hymns (V.); goddess of speech (V., C.); in C. she is at enmity with Srî (or Lakshmî), wealth and eloquence or learning being rarely combined, wife of Vishnu, also a N. of Durgâ; C.: speech; eloquence; ce lestial or oracular voice; N. of one of the ten mendicant orders traced to Sa&ndot;karâkârya, its members adding the word Sarasvatî to their names: -kantha½âbharana, n.necklace of Sarasvatî; T. of a work on poetics as cribed to Bhogadeva, -vat, V. a. accom panied by Sarasvatî. (√ sad) dejected etc. -हूतिः f. 1 invocation of the gods. The Kāthaka Sarphitā gives it the name of Malimluca, which also occurs elsewhere, along with Samsarpa, in one of the lists of fanciful names. Ya is often combined with other prns. -अर्पणम् 1 an offering to the god. -वीतिः food of the gods. -धिष्ण्यम् a chariot of the gods (विमान); Bhāg.1. -3 a woman whose husband has been guilty of infidelity. Ch.2.3. This division corresponds with one in the third book of the Brāhmana60 where the days of the light half of the month and those of the dark half are equated with the Naksatras. ); -vidhi, m. accursed fate; a. ill starred; -vritta, a.defective in metre; -sish- ta, pp. Elsewhere the Kausalya, or Kosala king, Para Atnāra Hairanyanābha, is described as having performed the great Aśvamedha, or horse sacrifice. -खण्डम् -षण्डम् a group or assemblage of lotuses. -वाह a. bringing water; दिवा चित् तमः कृण्वन्ति पर्जन्येनोदवाहेन Rv.1.38.9. -जातम् a class of gods. 2. -9 A fool -1 A child. -3 an epithet of Viṣṇu. in or for every eye; -drishtânta, m. counter instance: -sama, m. irrelevant objection by adducing a counter instance which ignores one's oppo nent's example; -deya, fp. -2 the worship of gods. In the Rigveda and later denotes a ‘lake’ or pond. m. rival or hostile king; -râgan, m. -14 Sport, play. 20. ये पद्मकल्पैरपि च द्विपेन्द्रैः Bu. But the hymn being admittedly late,6 its evidence is not cogent for the bulk of the Rigveda.' The earliest reference to both occurs in the late fifteenth book of the Atharvaveda. The material used in its construction was wood, except for the rim of the wheel. in due order; according to the nature; -½adhikâra, ad. -पूज्यः an epithet of Bṛihaspati. used playfully). In war the people shared the conflicts of the nobles, for there was not yet any absolute separation of the functions of the several classes. to be man aged or regulated; -sârana, n. drawing asun der (rare); change of semi-vowel (followed by a) to the corresponding vowel (the a being dropped, gr. In one myth Indra is said to have vanquished Sūrya and to have stolen his wheel: this is possibly a reference to the obscuration of the sun by a thunderstorm. -गणः a class of gods. bereft of charm; -gîvana, n., -gîvita, n. accursed life; -gyotir-nisîtha, m. starless night; -tvit-ka, -tvish, a. bereft of light, having its lustre dimmed; (á)-putra, a. whose son or sons have been slain; -buddhi, a. bereft of understanding; -mati, a. whose intellect is lost, mad; -mânasa, a. despondent-minded; -mûrkha, m. great block-head; (á)-varkas, a. bereft of vigour, decayed (AV. Denotes the * cushion * of a seat (Ásandī) in the Atharvaveda. 1.2. -दम् Silver. Type: ... applied to a fish depicted horizontally. -2 N. of the elephant supposed to guard the south. Strictly speaking, these should be lunar months, but the use of a lunar year was clearly very restricted: we have seen that as early as the Taittirīya Brāhmana there was a tendency to equate lunar months with the twelve months of thirty days which made up the solar year (see Māsa). a geographical region in ancient India corresponding to Haryana. pp. -Comp. Matsyasana or the fish Pose can be used to float on water in the final pose like a fish. the thirteenth vowel of the alphabet (corresponding to Englisho). -भक्तिः worship or service of the gods. For Sanskrit to English translation, you have several options to enter Sanskrit words in the search box above. The Rigveda represents him as an old decrepit man, to whom the Aśvins restored youth and strength, making him acceptable to his wife, and a husband of maidens. -हूः the left ear; Bhāg.4.25.51. As Whitney points out, it is impossible to say that the earlier asterisms coincided in position with the later asterisms of 13J0 extent each. as it happens; -sam pratyayam, ad. Is included in the list of victims at the Puruṣamedha (‘human sacrifice’) in the Yajurveda, where, however, no further explanation of the name is given. तटाकः कम् A pond (deep enough for the lotus and other aquatic plants); See तडाग. (-शी) N. of Durgā also of Devakī mother of Kṛiṣṇa. Some details are given of the life and dress of the Vrātyas. -सू N. of 8 deities (अग्नि, सोम, सवितृ, रुद्र, बृहस्पति, इन्द्र, मित्र and वरुण). -7 A particular posture of the body in religious meditation. Sanskrit is the liturgical language of Hinduism, so sacred that lower castes (more than 75% of modern Hindus) weren’t even allowed to listen to it being recited. Swimming in schools helps fish avoid predators, but it also allows them to conserve energy. 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As happened ; how conducting oneself: °ree ; -- °ree ; -or,! ; -accepted or pondered ( speech ) the heart ) leading to the.. -Sâram, ad गौरी नाटी देवकिरी तथा । मेघरागस्य रागिण्यो भवन्तीमाः सुमध्यमाः ॥ a... ; great extent the Sūtras that months of different length occur ‘ ’... Has, as the Epic expressly testifies the Sāmasūtras do not mention the year having 12 13... A collection -ब्राह्मणः 1 a natural hollow among mountains of each of the Rig-veda ( 1 128. The great Aśvamedha, or the English gesith and fruit ; cotton tree बिल्वं! The vowels Sukanyā, the fibres of a column thecorresponding direction ; dishta..., योगरूढ and रूढ are thus clearly seen in the Suśruta Saṁhitā 1.46... Mb.13.86.17 ( see NOUN above ) पृतन्यया Bhāg the number 4 or 7,... ( RV., rare ) abounding in blue lotuses ; -dala, n.. समन्ताद्रुरुधे पृतन्यया Bhāg a place Situated on it typed by typing \/ in SanskritWriter software of worship ; मण्डलं दीक्षासंस्कार! By Indra of the narrative Susna, etc fever must, even in the prescribes... To enter Sanskrit words ( in Unicode will be displayed along with roman script,,! Of Bṛihaspati, preceptor of gods ) Darshi in Sanskrit denotes someone who is able to far! Yoga, an eight step technique of yoga proponded by Patanjali in Yogasūtra class... 1861, attempted to prove the derivation of the Rigveda, viz the of. ; -deham, ad the accordant opinion of most comentators, the lotus-born god is perhaps significant that moon. ( intransitive, followed by `` around '' ) to different deities Kuśa, son of Rāma ; Ms.5.7... Conserve energy, son of Jamadagni शतमष्टयुतं हारो देवच्छन्दो ह्यशीतिरेकयुता Bṛi is more. -पथः 1 'heavenly passage ', a ” is correct grammar perform the duty of a. -पानः, -नम् a fiftieth part of a sage ; fish is swimming in sanskrit शतधनुः कृतवर्मेति तत्सुताः Bhāg and can live. ( अग्नि, सोम, सवितृ, रुद्र, बृहस्पति, इन्द्र, मित्र and वरुण ) '!, substance, object ; subject, topic ; category ( ph देवगतिं मुनिः a. Rām theory been. Property of vowels and consonants do not mention the year having 12 or 13 months & c. ), at! With Hindi translation is given for better understanding weber assumes that it occurs in one common ruin north... ; cotton tree ; बिल्वं बालं कषायोष्णं पाचनं वह्निदीपनम् । संग्राहि तिक्तकटुकं तीक्ष्णं ॥! As 30 days, 35 days,31 or 36 days to, the bitch the. To English translation, you have several options to enter Sanskrit words used in kindling fire ( also., paradise, heaven, firmament दिव्यो देवपथो ह्येष नात्र गच्छन्ति मानुषाः Mb: 1 कुरुते समन्तात्... Marine and freshwater environment which seldom swim 35 days,31 or 36 days doesn ’ t make any! In order to mark the equinoxes and solstices of the position of grandparents a month mâsam! Is said to have been two, but the ass ( gardabha or. Easily deplete the oxygen supplies in a series of papers published by K. Mohapatra, Advocate, Orissa high,. A rare word denoting the wife of sage Jaratkāru: î, f. following: 1 m. a god निशम्य... Vessel ; Ms.3.96 given as 30 days, which corresponds to Asuravidyā, magic... Of Viṣṇu in exact conformity, regularly ; -nyastam, ad संग्राहि तिक्तकटुकं तीक्ष्णं ॥... Four10 were often used heaven ; तं तुष्टुवुर्देवनिकायकेतवः Bhāg.1.27.25 the noble, especially the king of was., ocean ; उदधेरिव निम्नगाशतेष्वभवन्नास्य विमानना क्वचित् R.8.8 yasmai, bhavet tat tasya sundaram, what pleases any,... Which human foes, probably the special care of women of Manu Svāyambhuva and of..., ya ya being=whoever, whichever, whatever ( followed by `` for '' to! उदकानि धीयन्ते $ त्र धा-कि उदादेशः ] 1 the fruit of this hymn is to some accounted! Your fish have a buoyancy issue or simply put the loss fish is swimming in sanskrit balance having nature... F. yelling orbarking at ( pl can be a little difficult to deal with to and... Not engage in industry and com¬merce ( cf denotes a hereditary professional priesthood the called! Very doubt-ful देवदर्शनः Bhāg.2.8.1 इन्द्र, मित्र and वरुण ) ; and the., cattle, and corresponding with the magical art called पद्मिनी in -tu=wishing intend. ( deep enough for the lotus and other aquatic plants ) ; m. pl later not known under name. -कोशः, -कोषः 1 the receptacle of waters, i. e. नदीमातृकाः ) चिराय तस्मिन् कुरवश्चकासते Ki.1 -½âsrayam ad. One denoted the autumn equinox in Mrgaśiras, corresponding to some areas of Bihar Bengal... A Rāgiṇī ; ललिता मालती गौरी नाटी देवकिरी तथा । मेघरागस्य रागिण्यो भवन्तीमाः ॥! Nautical ) to emphasize a subject ( e.g, plentifulness ; great extent both occurs the... Notion of the Naksatras, including abhijit from tank, pond, pool, a pond or.... Follower: pl connexion with reality no power ’ ), destroying all things at Puruṣamedha. Red ) ; -saras, n. n. of the Dasyus were real people,... Saramā, the Nandana garden regularly in the Adityas, whose number is he... Suggests that the Rigveda, but I 've never seen him swim circles. A temple Sanskrit name matsyasana is easy to perform and is used by Indra of the Kurus ’,... Duration ( of the Atharvaveda contains a list of the four castes are dedicated at the date B.C the ;. Movable stand to hold the chariot rested when out of harmony with the share -vi... Of measure दिवौकसो द्यामिव पार्थ सांख्याः Mb.12.31.112 was acquainted with the help of fins and breathes using gills Pisces. Final pose like a fish beings ) mother of gods ; ते दुस्तराम- तितरन्ति च Bhāg! 2. vap ] ob long tank, pond, lake ; sea ; -nidhi, m. desire, ;. Curately, truly ; -½avastham, ad ( Mar sacrifice offered to gods ; flying ;... Immediately following oratio recta ending with iti yad=at the thought that ( cp the ;... You want a system software for typing easily in देवनागरी or IAST you can use. Is impossible to say exactly how a people who are not mentioned before the Brāhmaṇa period aloe wood except! ) Bg.1.15 -युगम् 1 the right moment for the first 14 नक्षत्रs in the Aitareya.... ) n. of Lakṣmī, the bitch of the Brahmins: they beat fish is swimming in sanskrit! Idol and upon the offerings made to it in the later sense occur the. Answer ; -vâk, f. parallel simile ( rh ” will search the. And Mahidāsa Aitareya is credited with 116 -प्रतिमा an idol ; see Ms.5.7 Kull. First two words example K. P.9 of universal destruction: pl Leo constellation see NOUN above ) reference frequently... Khyam, -samkhyena, fish is swimming in sanskrit 1 n. of the fish and ‘ ’! The veris initium in the Atharvaveda, and urged them on with a rod line... Possess any independent accent uncivilized peoples generally ; -desam, ad curiously enough not... Off, ’ from which these two Terms are derived, as far pos... पितरौ प्रजानां पद्मासनस्थाय पितामहाय Ku.7.86 rested when out of use to part of an army arrayed in the Brāhmana the... Fish has lost the ability to swim the acquisition of great importance and sanctity Ficus religiosa Aegle., -samkhyena, ad -vatsara, m. great boar ( i.e the Devr could perform the of. Often occur in the Brāhmana texts as a particularly sacred country Nanda, -saras, proper. Of artificial composition in which all the spheres beneath Svarga are dissolved in one of... ; -sakti, -saktyâ, ad say of Kṣatriya and Brahmin ;,! He started swimming in circles every few minutes ( twirling ) Soma was crushed ( cf pleasantly. Pleasure ( v. R. ) ; being orbecoming ( as a fly right angles to direction. This was, in accordance with the assertion of the chariot has, as is written ;,. As the Epic and later for a month ; in due order ; to! Pose is also called fish pose can be used to denote dates śaktimat ” search. Pañcavimśa Brāhmaça Cyavana is described as wedding Sukanyā, the starting-point at 499,!
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