Following are the qualities of a disciple that a Guru needs to avoid in this hyperactive world. CMQ/OE Exam Preparation Course$65 course on sale today!Based on ASQ® Certified Manager of Quality/OE BoK25+ hours of videos, slides, and quizzes $65 SALE! Since a Guru gets free spiritual knowledge from His Guru, He imparts it to others free of charge. Hence, some Gurus ask their disciples to write down God’s Name and check it regularly; while some Gurus tell seekers to speak about their thoughts and spiritual experiences with them. One possessing spiritual knowledge (dnyani) 2. Despite this being so, a seeker in the initial stage finds it difficult to even listen to such words. The disciple now proceeds to understand the meaning of this revelation. Madhudvisa dasa says: August 24, 2011 at 4:03 pm. It is natural for a Guru’s love for a disciple to vary according to the disciple’s bhav (Spiritual emotion) towards Him. These matters are meaningles… 6. Kulārṇava Tantra discusses in detail about the qualities of a Guru. Once, when Baba was staying in the Ashram at Indore, His Holiness Dr. Athavale came across all those letters. The era of the 10 gurus of Sikhism, a monotheistic religion that stresses doing good throughout life, spans nearly 250 years, from the birth of Nanak Dev in 1469, through the life of Guru Gobind Singh. Guru has all the qualities that an ideal teacher possesses. A true disciple is like a honey bee moving one flower to another flower seeking higher spiritual knowledge, goes from one guru to another Guru, who can impart highest spiritual knowledge. After ensuring that the disciple has attained perfection in the mantra (this stage is called mantra siddhi), Guru takes him forward in the path of spirituality. 10. Hence, during the 1993 Gurupournima celebrations in Goa, Baba said, “Just as one eats to heart’s content and then does not bother about the leftovers in a plate, a seeker too should enjoy worldly pleasures to the maximum and sacrifice as much as the leftovers, but then not think about it anymore.”. Even if the guru is Buddha, but from our own side, if we do not see the actual Buddha, then we do not receive the blessings of Buddha. A Guru should be with a clean apparel; charming; knowledgeable; application of mantras; sweet looking; ease of access; capable of clarifying disciples’ doubts; always keeping his attention within; capable of instructions; knower of past, present and future; should have conquered desire, anger, greed, delusion, jealousy and pride; equal minded to Śiva and Viṣṇu; ever content; independent; dear to devotees; not selling mantra and yantra and without partiality. A true guru is shastrot and brahmanisht, soaring on wings of knowledge and realization. He says, “Sing devotional songs, chant God’s Name, perform service etc.” He never preaches negative things such as ‘Do not drink alcohol, do not behave in this way etc.’. Sanskars performed after the birth of a child ! But you. After having spoken about the disciples who are to be avoided, Śiva speaks about qualities that are needed in a perfect disciple. Only those with knowledge can impart knowledge; only a boat can ferry the stones and definitely a stone cannot ferry another stone. Once, a disciple of His Holiness Baba placed a pair of slippers on His photograph. On one fine day, the disciple understands and realizes the Self within him, which was till this moment, covered by the veil of māyā. Only the liberated can liberate others; how can un-liberated liberate others? Therefore, the devotee was under an impression that Baba had read his letters. Pictures depicting spiritual experiences imparted by Shrikrushna, Importance of the Guru, types and Gurumantra. The yearning to impart spiritual knowledge to a disciple. Substituting the ślokas with the bījas is not a very widely accepted, Good day Sir. … It will be difficult to align more than one mantra with the breath, hence initiation into more than one mantra is not recommended for the purpose of sādhana and without sādhana final goal (liberation) can never be attained. Qualities of Guru – The one without any expectationof receiving Gurudakshina (An offering) Śiva draws the example of honeybee here. In the traditional residential form of education, the shishya remains with his or her guru as a family member and gets the education as a true learner. Yoga means union. Then He realized that the Guru understands everything through the subtle. • Ek Ong Kar means we are all one – this is the message Guru Nanak spread. A Guru expresses appreciation for His disciple off and on either in words or by bestowing him with spiritual experiences. He would say that the disciples of Shri Ramkrushna Paramhansa would also tell Him not to speak excessively and that Ramkrushna would then respond, “If even one individual is emancipated by my talk, I will be happy no matter what the consequences with respect to my health are. Any effort spent on these disciples could only be a waste of time for a Guru. Did You Know? Are these examples of good or bad leaders? Śiva also speaks about higher level of Guru-s and their qualities. Guru definition is - a personal religious teacher and spiritual guide in Hinduism. Divine Knowledge being invaluable, the Guru does not even evaluate it. Just by looking at him, you forget the world, you become oblivious to the world; such a person can be made a guru. In the course of history, and far into pre-recorded history, beings have been getting lost in the illusion, and awakening out of it. No matter how impulsive, stubborn, illiterate or incompetent the disciple may be, the real skill of the Guru lies in His taking care of that disciple. Although the texts explain all these many different qualities to look for in a guru, the very essence is that our guru should at least be someone who emphasizes cherishing others more than cherishing self, because we then have the opportunity to develop bodhicitta, the root of the Mahayana path, and thus achieve enlightenment. If I do not speak to them, meet them, then how will I remain in good health ?”. This is in the form of a conversation between Śiva and Śakti. However, just as good parents do not display it, so is the case with the Guru. The bestowal of their grace on all is the same; however, the one with a pure antahkaran who humbly surrenders to them gets deserving benefit in keeping with his faith. So, if you're in a mood for a rant, do take a read. This lesson explained the history of the 10 living Gurus of the Sikh religion. Śiva classified Gurus under six categories and they are Preraka (setting in motion, the process of liberation – making a disciple to enter the right spiritual path in the quickest possible time), Sūcaka (subtle conveyance – subtly conveying the ‘attributes’ of Brahman), Vācaka (expressing and declaring – declaring the omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotent Brahman in stagaes), Darśaka (pointing out; for example ‘tat tavam asi’ or you are That Brahman), Śikṣaka (teaching or instructing; imparting knowledge so that the disciple realizes that he is Brahman. The Guru’s real quality is Atmanubhuti (Self-realisation). Etymology. Shastras describe him as one who is totally well-versed in the shastras and whose conduct is in accordance with them and also whose mind is continuously dwelling in Brahman. They are enthusiasm in meditation; constant communication with Guru; following the mind of Guru; engaging in japa and meditation and aspiring for liberation. Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshwara Guru Sakshath Parambrahma Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha May the, The bhūta bīja (seed) mantra sphrem̐ is correct in my opinion. The right Guru is the one, who first initiates a mantra. A so-called Saint asked His Holiness Dr. Athavale (Sanatan’s source of inspiration) to give up eating His most favourite food item. However, since that cannot be comprehended with the intellect, only some qualities, which can be understood with the intellect, are listed here. But how is one to recognise the guru? The guru should be the student’s benefactor, not the other way around. But it also stresses that the guru must be free of binding desires. Someone misinterpreted it and thought that Baba advises only sacrificing that little and not surrender everything. One experiencing self-realisation. The unmanifest Guru then works completely through some of these evolved individuals who are then known as the manifest (saguṇ) Guru or the Guru in the human form. This stage includes all types of ritualistic practices. 3. Guru's Slack and Microsoft Teams integrations make it easy for teams across your company to stay aligned, whenever and wherever they're working. At the culmination of this stage, the disciple is ready to move forward. Guru doesn't just organize your information—it delivers what you need, when you need it, right where you're already working. Reply. 4 A. Martin Luther King 4. Guru–shishya means "succession from guru to disciple".. Paramparā (Sanskrit: परम्परा, paramparā) literally means an uninterrupted row or series, order, succession, continuation, mediation, tradition. 1. But it is not easy to find one who is knowledgeable and also has all these attributes. Second, let's have it the geek way, the ten characteristics of a champion Linux swordsman. A guru who wants wealth or sexual favours is obviously not free of binding desires, yet many such gurus have succeeded, for a time, in attracting many followers in the West. Many are the Gurus who are proficient in Vedas and Śāstra-s, but rare is a Guru who has realized the Self (Brahman). Guru says ‘You are That’ and the disciple investigates, explores, analyses the teaching of Guru ‘You are That’ and the disciple after many interactions with the Guru realizes and affirms ‘I am That’ or ‘ahaṁ brahmāsi’) and the last one Bodhaka (awakening; in fact this the combination of the previous five). This is meant only for a seeker in the primary stage. Baba would reply to his questions when he came to meet Him. This requires study and following the process of saddhana-bhakti that Srila Prabhupada has given us in his books. Many are the Gurus on the earth who give everything else other than the Light of the Self. Some are born leaders; some become leaders due to chance or situation- either way leaders have these peculiar qualities you would not see in a normal individual. Teaching only the disciple who will obey. Guru (/ ˈ ɡ uː r uː /, UK also / ˈ ɡ ʊr uː, ˈ ɡ ʊər-/; Sanskrit: गुरु, IAST: guru) is a Sanskrit term for a "teacher, guide, expert, or master" of certain knowledge or field. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Teaching stepwise based on spiritual level. The effects mudras, bandha-s and prāṇāyama help him to subdue his mind and in the arena of subdued mind, he begins to explore Brahman. Now Śiva speaks about the characteristics of a Guru. David Beckham 2. Sikhism. Life and Works of Quality Guru Joseph Juran. Copyright © The Spiritual Preceptor — Āchārya — has an essential place in all the great Wisdom Traditions of the world. The word Kriya came from its Sanskrit root Kri which means doing or action. Śiṣya is the one, who has the will, aptitude, perseverance, patience and faith to transform from the state of aniṣpanna (imperfection) to the state of niṣpanna (perfection). The joy of any true Guru is not to create devotees, but to eventually merge his or her consciousness with that of the students, raising them to their own full Mastery. Similarly, Saints do not discriminate. A true Guru will never impose a determined way of life or way of thinking on a student. He says that it is difficult to obtain a Guru who gives to the disciple, his own status in a moment without any ceremonies; difficult to obtain a Guru who goes on giving knowledge with facility and without strenuous practice. Shastras describe him as one who is totally well-versed in the shastras and whose conduct is in accordance with them and also whose mind is continuously dwelling in Brahman. Top 10 Qualities of Great Leaders. Qualities of Guru : A Guru has all the qualities that an ideal teacher possesses. It is really a punishment for me if I am prohibited from conversing with those who love me so much and travel great distances to meet me. Following are the qualities of a disciple that a Guru needs to avoid in this hyperactive world. Kriya Yoga is an ancient yogic practice based on body, mind and  prana involving pranayamam and subtle visualization. With any true Guru, you never need to surrender your free will or independence. So- called gurus who indulge in abominable things like meat eating, cigarette smoking, and illicit sex, and who covet wealth for purchasing various other forms of sense gratification, are all disqualified. A Guru expresses appreciation for His disciple off and on either in words or by bestowing him with spiritual experiences. Baba said to me, “You too have one”. Teaching the disciple according to his spiritual level . (aniṣpanne niṣpanna-śabdaḥ śiṣyaḥ). Hence, sometimes His disciples would request Shri Gurumaharaj to speak less. We're recommended to worship the Lord, the demigods, the guru, the brahmanas, and one's superiors. The Qualities of a Guru. • Make a list of qualities which a good leader must have. 5. Shri Gurumaharaj would then give answers with such intense yearning that it would stun the speaker. Looking at the guru’s qualities and not looking at mistakes May I be able to complete this commitment without obstacle. In pan-Indian traditions, a guru is more than a teacher.In Sanskrit, guru means literally dispeller of darkness. Jesus Christ • Sikhism is quite a new religion. When in September 1990, Baba (His Holiness Bhaktaraj Maharaj) visited Him, He thought to Himself “Giving up custard apples etc. A guru is a very big phenomenon. One must see the Guru in all living beings. Quality Management and Data AnalysisWe offer affordable online American Society for Quality (ASQ®) exam preparation courses such as CQA, CQE, CSSYB, CSSGB, CSSBB, CMQ/OE, CQPA and CQIA. But how is one to recognise the guru? Quality planning (financial budgeting) – create process that will enable one to meet the desired goals Quality control (cost control) – monitor and adjust the process Quality improvement (profit improvement) – move the process to a better and improved state of control through projects Hare Krishna Prabhu. Śiva further says that knower of Truth alone is the Real Guru, as knower of the Truth alone is liberated and he alone can make others liberate. At this stage, the disciple remains in perpetual mediation. 2018-2020. There are 23 million Sikhs in the world today. A so-called Saint asked His Holiness Dr. Athavale (Sanatan’s source of inspiration) to give up eating His most favourite food item. 2 1. At the time of initiation, a Guru implants the seed of the mantra in the energic body of his disciple. Therefore, for one year He stopped eating custard apples. This realization happens in fraction of a second and at the most unexpected time. In essence, the guru is considered a respected person with saintly qualities who enlightens the mind of his disciple, an educator from whom one receives the initiatory mantra, and one who instructs us in rituals and religious ceremonies. Basically, the guru is a spiritual teacher leading the disciple on the path of "god-realization." Work better together—anywhere, anytime. The Qualities of a Guru. During this stage, Guru guides his disciple with mudras, bandha-s and prāṇāyama. When in September 1990, Baba (His Holiness Bhaktaraj Maharaj) visited Him, He thought to Himself “Giving up custard apples etc. These matters are meaningless. It is not possible. There are several descriptions for a perfect disciple, which may not suit the present world. Reference : Sanatan Sanstha’s Holy Text on ‘Importance of the Guru, types and Gurumantra’. First, I'll address Ken's points. At the time of his the death in 1708, Guru Gobind Singh bequeathed his title of guru to the Sikh scripture, Guru Granth. 1 A. Resorting to a Preceptor. Role of a Guru is extremely important in Self-realization. Despite this, Baba did not get angry with him; instead, He continued to love him as before. This is akin to parent’s variable affection for their children. 4. Take this opportunity to learn more using one or … The correction has been, Namaskaram, In this article dhyana shloka, shouldn't the first word be, Sir thanks for sharing this rare spiritual treasure Regards Krishnakant, Thank you very much for your efforts to share this treasure. Therefore, for one year He stopped eating custard apples. Quality gurus and their contribution to TQM 1. Even if a disciple is terribly annoyed with the Guru, the Guru Himself takes care of him. © 2020 Sanatan Sanstha - All Rights Reserved, Sanatan Ashram Guestbook and Saints’ Blessings. Surprisingly, the envelopes of the letters had not been opened. 2. Dear holy Guru, I have listened to your sermon “the flexible means to keep the Bodhicitta Vows in action” I am so delighted to congratulate two dharma brothers Mat Khue Minh and Mat Hue Phap on officially getting the transmission of Bodhicitta vows from Guru, marking the … Choulkarma (Chudakarma) – keeping a shendi ! Though the clouds shower rains equally everywhere, the water accumulates only in craters, while the raised mountains remain dry. Born: Dec 24, 1904 Died: Feb 28, 2008 Juran is best known for:Juran’s Trilogy – Juran’s trilogy consists of Quality Planning, Quality Control, and Quality Improvement. The Guru’s real quality is Self-realisation (Atmanubhuti). Qualities of a Guru; Those who imitate as Guru; Qualities of a True Disciple; Kriya Yoga as taught by Lahiri Mahasaya. Finally, a disciple has to surrender everything – body, mind and wealth to the Guru. Hitler 3. After having prepared the disciple for higher spiritual stages, the Guru imparts knowledge about Brahman. Department of Economics and Management Vavuniya campus of university of Jaffna Sri Lanka Quality gurus and their contribution to TQM Total Quality Management Presented by:Mr.N.RAGULAN 2008/bs/20 2. It is the same with God. However, I will eat custard apples only if Baba Himself tells me to”. His Holiness Baba teaches with a positive attitude. How to use guru in a sentence. Initiation of too many mantras will hamper connectivity with the Divine. See Bhagavad-gita 17.14 . Learn more. Have come home and your heart rests there your free will or independence the, the bhūta bīja ( )... Those who imitate as Guru ; those who imitate as Guru ; those who imitate as Guru qualities! Disciple of His Holiness Baba placed a pair of slippers on His photograph since a Guru a... ‘ Importance of the world today however, just as good parents do not to... 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